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Tennis balls and swimsuits 2

Posted on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 6:18am by Lieutenant Sovon Stormcloud
Edited on on Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 3:45am

1,223 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 1: "Ooze"
Location: Aruba , Earth
Timeline: Backpost

Sovon took his leave while the lady speaks her mind.


"No matter how slick you think you were talking, you were not going to win me over! Goodbye." With that she moved away. She looked around for the Vulcan, to properly thank him yet did not see him.

Peta moved down to courtside, hoping to see him around somewhere.

Sovon had done his part; warned a nice-looking lady of the potential mistake. Ronnie obviously noticed he left his tennis racket and cover on the side and collected them. With a sly grin on her face, they had now gone farther than last year in the tournament, it is an achievement.

The Lady was free now to do what she wanted; the human Tennis Player had more defined physique; more the kind that women favoured than the thinner one of Sovon. He could have had fun with the Romulan; even being with human blood she would be more accustomed to Physical mating; he had even for an instant thought of Pon Farr that is still aways off, but a woman like her would make the purging of emotions very pleasureful.

He was going through the corridor under the spectator walkway that led to the open eating area, umbrellas to provide shade. His friends would be at the table waiting his return. He could just make out the table as he progressed.

Peta looked around; her heart seemed to be beating a little stronger, it almost felt like there was a slight ache there. She truly did want to find this man. She was not sure why ‘the woman who changes’, ‘All Mother’ or ‘Great Spirit’ as she has been known by, would give her the push to come here unless there was some reason. Something or someone she was meant to be around. She closed her eyes for a moment, standing close to a main walkway.

“Giver of life, mother to all; wings that guide my heart and life, my heart beats so strongly, is it he I was meant to meet? Are our paths meant to cross here? Wings that guide my heart and life, blessed Eagle, show me where to fly!”

Her eyes opened to see the Vulcan was heading through the corridor towards some tables. She waded through the crowd and found him on his own. The wind tousled at the feather in her hair. There was something deep inside that encouraged her to be uncharacteristically bold. Peta touched his hand and in the flow of the crowd managed to lightly pin him against the corridor wall. The wind seemed to lightly dance around them, tousling her hair, and ensuring the feather danced upon it.

Sovon felt her touch upon his hand before the Romulan had him off balance, taking advantage to pin him on a wall of the corridor. He could have resisted but it did not appear the thing to do as she is rather attractive. The impact was not really a problem, and she was now facing him. His gaze wondered up and down her in more than a look; the evaluation was abashed.
"Logically a tap on the shoulder would have gotten my attention." He said in reply to her.
She looked deeply into intense looking dark eyes as she spoke.

“Once I broke away from the wolf, I was hoping to see you still there. I had wanted to thank you and ask your name. I felt so at peace watching you play; it was like my heart was riding on the wind watching you move.”
The Vulcan eyebrow went up at the statement.

"Is that where the term 'Riding the wind' was coined on Earth?"

Peta blushed a little. “Not quite, for my people.. it’s meaning is a bit different. The colour in her cheeks deepened a bit more.
She leant into his ear to gently whisper into it. “I am Peta Stormcloud.” The wind picked his scent up and tickled her nose with it, it tugged at her heart all the more. The ‘Great Spirit’ is a wise one yet does not always reveal why she does what she does until the right moment.

"Sovon." He said simply as his hands took up a caress of her hips into her waist. "This is feeling the wind I presume."

“That would be one soul, lightly caressing and meeting the other. When the two come together, they ride the winds as one until all else fades away and their energy leaves them. At least, that is how I have heard it described. Truth, can differ a little.” She leant into him, nuzzling a little. “There is something about you that brings out a dance in my heart.” She looked into his eyes, her lips slightly parted, the thoughts swirling in her mind centred around him.

This is not a logical thought but more of an emotional urge as he caressed down each side of her spine to stimulate a pleasant physical reaction.

Peta seemed to arch herself into Sovon’s body, feeling a shiver go down her back and back up again. Naturally, her eyes closed over as she savoured the sensation. There was a breath out and a slightly sharper breath in. Peta felt a jolt go through her heart, almost as though lightning had gone to ground right through her.

"You saying your name and a dancing heart?" Sovon had full knowledge of what his stimulation might do.

To further add to the situation, he took a long taste of her lips, best taste is a satisfied woman; but building bliss is a good runner up.
"I think you are an affection based individual." Sovon said. "Are you an exhibitionist by nature?”

Peta’s eyes popped open long enough to look into his eyes before having them close again as soon as he kissed her. She melted into it, being able to savour Sovon’s lips in return. Her heart seemed to pause for a moment at the peak as Sovon’s kiss seemed to tease at her a little. The kiss broke and her eyes fluttered open. His words reached her ears and Peta had to take a moment to reply. “I do like affection, and if anything, I suppose people would call me….impulsive. Maybe not an exhibitionist, just.. impulsive.’ With that she returned the favour, passionate, seeking a true taste of him as well as soaking in his touch.

Sovon savoured the woman's desire, her 'Impulsive Nature' which was opposite of what many described as his own behaviour.
"Might we take this Impulse Nature away from the growing number of eyes looking upon us?" Sovon suggested on their break for breathing. "I have a place in mind that might be more suited for your seeming wish to get to know one another and perhaps 'Ride the wind’ in unison?"

Peta looked at him, a rather sultry look was in her eyes. ‘That sounds delightful, Sovon. Lead the way.” She offered her left arm for him to escort her.

Sovon accepted the offered arm and with a mock salute to his friends at the table turned away to escort Peta.

"Have you ever ridden the wind in a hammock?" Sovon asked.

“No, yet it sounds intriguing and quite…. romantic.” She beamed, looking forward to what was to come.



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