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Sun Feb 9th, 2025 @ 5:53am

Lieutenant Sovon Stormcloud

Name Sovon Stormcloud

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 41

Physical Appearance

Height 186 cm
Weight 80 Kilos
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark
Physical Description Sovan is of average build for a humanoid stature with a lightly defines physique. One unique trait is his 'Piercing Gaze' that comes naturally to Sovon, this is a common description from others of him. Mixed with the Vulcan Stoic expression do tend to add to an intimidation factor. The thing that causes the strongest emotional reaction is the cold, seemingly threatening warnings he relays to aggressors. Mostly he has a stoic demeanor with raising of an eyebrow if 'Fascinated' or surprised.

He prominently wears the family Earring.

His uniform is always proper while his off duty attire is of Bajoran influence in his robes not being Vulcan and his casual wear . He has been known to wear a billowing sleeved shirt over silk slacks by choice based upon the positive emotional reaction of his Mate.

He has had to replace uniforms as he is not one from a hill top but from among his men.


Spouse Peta
Father Turan
Mother Teipann
Other Family Adopted Family Nerrylan)

Father Jordann
Mother Elania
Brother Tormalan (Older)
Sister Sheelana Younger

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sovon is a Vulcan contradiction, he believes in the Sarek teachings of Embracing Emotions over Suppression. This earned him a nickname of the 'Tainted One' in Vulcan circles.
Based upon his embracing emotions and spending a childhood on Bajor with the 'Emotionally Based Humanoids' rather than a proper Vulcan upbringing. Being an avid in his belief that emotions should be experienced has given him a unique vantage point that allows him a degree of being able to integrate with Emotional people better than most Vulcans. Sovon is convinced there can be there can be Logic in emotions. When he makes what an observer deems an emotional or Impulsive action it is readily given a logical explanation for the action by Sovon.

Being in Security he has to; upon occasion, need the use of violence to do his duty. Sovon has the 'Logical Violence' scale that dictates his actions. This logic is to negate the need or use of Excessive Force as a normal action. Instead Sovan basically returns the logical amount to cease the violence facing him.. Knowing the regulations and an understanding of the reasoning for the regulations he will counter any hostility with Logical countermeasures. Thus he tends to not be a fan of excessive Force, he will regulate the degree of counter violence to match the objectives of his mission. Simply put, if he is to put down a hostile group he will do what is needed to stop the violence from escalating, just enough to halt their actions. If the enemy uses a knife or sword then Sovon will used equal opposition. A disrupter is in play thenSovon uses percussion pistol or a phaser.

If in pacification of an enemy Sovon could call down Ship's armament to 'eliminate' the Enemy and therefore reestablishing the semblance of peace. He has in a lecture pointed out the Logic of Earth's use of an Atomic Bomb to end the urge for war by the Zealot nature of Japan. Japan would never lose face or honor by surrender until the last person capable of fighting dies. The bomb had to be used twice
to showed the futility of longer combat by the Japanese. This determination was the only way the United States saw to the Pacific War with Japan and World War II. This is an extreme example that Sovon would have taken a long time himself to study Japan's National dedication to the Emperor before he used this example.

Being a Child during Bajor Occupation Sovon grew to Hate Cardassians. The things he witness while working for rebellion cemented his hatred of them.

Sovon uses logic as the mainstay of his life and being to most observers. Actions that appear Emotionally driven are explainable by Sovon. The truly Intimidating part of his persona is in his manner of his negotiation skills always from a place of strength. His piercing gaze , Vulcan demeanor couple with a known validity with his warnings of Sovon's Counter Actions to a threat. Sovon will warn of the impending violence or actions that will negatively impact the aggressor with reminding that Vulans do not bluff helps support his resolve.

One major exception to this is his Mate, who had a well defined Dominance over Sovon; his stoic demeanor changes around her as he will be one for PDA actions between them. While Vulcan touch sensitivity preclude a lot of physical contact. His Mate can share PDa's and what might seem normal to humans in couples contact ; arm in arm and her nestled close, but to a Vulcan he could be called 'Clingy' in comparison.

Note: His Mate has the emotional influence to curb his extreme Emotional Outburst of Violence. A commanding tone from her will inevitably catch his total attention and what she asks of him he tends to follow and will share physical affections with her afterward ; she will embrace him as reward his following her desires.

An interesting aspect of Sovan is while he embraces emotions he is also more open to the Illogical belief system, he is very accepting of the Prophets having taken his parents yet he had not been on that voyage and thus saved from death. Then while on Bajor he was fostered by a family on Bajor seemed greatly 'Improbable' that he could have good fortune like he did. Studying with the family he also became so engrossed in the religion that his Small Church put him in a program as a Vedek Candidate.

Conclusion: Sovon is a unique individual worthy of conversation as a Xeno-Sociological Study. He can also be a very scary individual.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Logical Mind
+Logical Counter-measures of force
+Tactical Mind Set

+/- Emotionally Experienced

- Can logically use too much force
-Overly Logical
- Annoying with his logical conclusions upon occasion.
Ambitions To command a Rapid Deployment Security Star Ship.
Hobbies & Interests Making of Sweet Wines
Formal Dancing
Staff Mastery
Saber combat
Plays a lute.
Swimming / Cliff Diving
Rock Climbing / Mountaineering.
Proficient at Earth Game of Tennis

Portrays Masked Swordsman on Holodeck

Personal History Sovon is the first born of his natural parents, born on a star ship that his Mother Commanded and her Mate was the chief Engineer. The two were stationed as a Garrison Ship of DS-9. The Nova Class vessel was a scout vessel to monitor the Cardassian Boarder. DS-9 being the ship's Base of Operation.

At the break out of War with Dominion the small vessel was lost. Sovon normally stayed on DS-9 for patrols
and was spared the fate of his parents.

When the War was in full swing Sovan was Fostered by a Bajorian Family,gaining an Older Brother and younger Sister. He would have Vulcan lessons every other week on DS9 Vulcan Embassy until Cardassian Occupation of Bajor.

Being in his formative years he was not of much use to the 'Carddies' and left to himself as his Older Brother was slave labor and Younger Sister was not of a ripe age so she stayed with Sovon . The two were careful to avoid being seen while his parents and siblings worked.

One younger officer liking the 8 year old girl; Sovon warned the Officer his sister will remain innocent. The young Vulcan grab a pipe and with few blows deterred the Officer.

Since no Cardassian would admit to a brat beating him; even a Vulcan, so the indecent never came to light.

Other atrocities against the citizens of Bajor; the way they were still seen as slaves to Cardassians sparked Emotional Outbursts on Bajor in Sovon's youth. Logically some of his own actions to combat 'Carddies' were Logically validated in his own mind and thus the Harm and destruction he did to Occupying Cardassians was a 'Logical Reprise' for the crimes Carddies did ."

During Occupation Sovon met a man that taught him the quick mastery of the staff. The occupation was brutal upon the Family, their faith in Prophets got them through. Their faith sparked Sovon's desire to study the Prophets also. It was pointed out to Sovon that his Not beng on the ship had saved him; the odds that a family like theirs would adopt an Alien was fated and how he and his family survived the Occupation seem as though there is someone looking out foe all the Family and especially Sovon. Sovon was active with the Rebellion while Occupation and even rescued a Federation Security man near end of war during Battle for Bajor.

These events and explanation appeared Logical to Sovon ; thus, helping to make the study of the Prophets a natural next step in his life.

At age 12 the Promised Pon Far mate felt repulsion for the 'Tainted One' and refused him on First Pon far. The break of connection reset the Pon Far ritual. The second bout with Pon Far found a female that had lost her mate during a war and never reconnected, While unbonded they shared the ritual twice before the female bonded with another.

After war and some time at Age of Enlightenment, Sovon was recommended as a Vedek Candidate. Two years into the program Sovon decided to enter Star Fleet as Security in what seemed a emotionally rash decision.

Being Security rather than Science put Sovon as a kind of Lone Wolf Outcast, with his Bajoran Martial Arts and other combat learning he excelled in classes. The logical mind had tactics down. By the end of his Academy Years, he ranked in top 5% of his class. With his high ranking the Cadet cruise was his choice.

Patrol near the Cardassian Boarder was a high risk cruise that Sovon took alone as no one from his class accepted that billet. It was rated highly dangerous and not the most recommended Cadet Cruise. The ship was uneventful for the most part, some discovery of Cardassian Listening Drones and even a Scout ship being seized was the only action. It was on Sovon's tactical duty he detected the Scout and targeted engines quickly enough to capture vessel and crew. It highlighted his training and skill to his superiors.

The USS Cutlass had Sovon as a Security Personnel, again it is a vessel that patrolled Cardassian sector, It was a low request with high turn-over. A simple billet for Sovon to secure.

On that assignment the Cutlass bagged several Probes; two Small sounding Craft and a Freighter that in actuality was a Spy ship for Cardassia Prime. All these targets were on Sovon Credit. The Spy Ship was caught off the registered Flight Plan twice by Sovon and a boarding of her was allowed; routine in nature but Sovon noticed one of the crew had a hidden Disruptor and when he attacked the Landing Crew followed suit capturing the ship and three known operatives.

Transferred with promotion Sovon ended up on DS-9 where he was instrumental on a team that busted a ring of Drugs coming from Cardassia. The ilicit drugs being smuggled by a Ferengi Trader.

Sovon also helped in a few patrols from DS-9 with Pirate activity in area. This earned him promotion and transfer to an Earth Station to cover a wounded chief as Acting Chief.

While on Earth he vacationed on Aruba where he has a small Bungalow; when he is with friends before a Tennis tournament makes eye contact with Peta Storm Cloud but did not move to meet her, choosing to watch as she is propositioned by a Local Wolf... Thus Sovon takes it upon himself to warn Peta of the emotional danger of a one nighter with the man. Doing so 'Out of the Blue. For some reason he had an Emotional twinge to help her not make a regrettable mistake.

Then he stepped away.

Peta catches him and take shim aside and with a little surprise pins Sovon to wall to ask why he helped and then just left? While looking in her face and especially the eyes he kisses her on an emotional whimsical urge. She accepts his forwardness and two take walk on beach; the physical contact seeming Logical to Sovon.

The 'Instant Attraction' did not dwindle mutual seduction as the two in Sovon's Bungalow with Peta not at the room she shares with Two Indian Sisters.

Sovon has a Big Tennis Tournament the next day and Pita with her sisters show up. Sovon is openly affectionate with Peta, and the two go to romantic dinner afterward then another night together. Sovon is becoming mentally and emotionally connected to her.

The two go to her home to meet Peta's family and tribe. Their connection deepens to point they take bonding vow usually done with children before first Pon Far. After that commitment the two Marry by Peta's Tribal Traditions.

The two seek transfer to new command together while on route to Bajor for the Bajoran ceremony to legitimized Peta as Sovon Bride.

The Federation registration is of the Ceremony done on Earth as the Legal start of their marriage. As a married couple they sought station assignment together.

Orders are quickly drawn up and the two transfer to the USS Yorktown for the remainder of Matrimonial leave time on ship.

Sovon is the Security Chief while his Beloved is Chief Counselor.
Service Record In History