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Honeymoon 'Hibernation' becomes the Call of Duty

Posted on Wed Sep 18th, 2024 @ 5:13am by Lieutenant Sovon Stormcloud & Lieutenant Peta Stormcloud PsyD
Edited on on Thu Sep 19th, 2024 @ 2:26am

1,561 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 1: "Ooze"
Location: Stormcloud family quarters


The fun is over, as humans say, the day to report and begin the new adventure had arrived.. Sovon had carried his bride across the threshold as human tradition dictates. Peta being raised on Earth it seemed a logical action to bring her pleasure.

Now the one thing he noted is the lack of his usual vigour to rise early, Peta was purring in a matter of speaking. The silk night wear was almost as soft as Peta's skin but not quite.

Slipping out of bed, leaving a kiss to her forehead often bid her not to awaken but bring out her smile in her sleep, it was touching, logically she is beautiful.

He had to get ready without her; her being in close proximity, is a distraction to Logical concentration. A sonic shower and then dress, once she stirred, he would start breakfast for them prior to duty.

It did not take long. The simple kiss and lack of extra warmth in the bed coaxed Peta out of her slumber. There was a light yawn and stretch as she rolled over to find the bed empty of one loving husband. She slipped out of bed, putting on a soft and fuzzy dressing gown over the deep blue silk negligee. Stifling a second yawn she moved out of the bedroom towards the replicator for a cup of tea.

"Morning, my bear." She called out in the direction of the bathroom. "I trust you slept well." There was a light and joyful tone to her voice and a soft smile on her face.

"Berry tea blend, with honey. Hot, extra sweet." She asked of the replicator, savouring the smell off of the cup after she collected it.

"Yes Feather, quite so." Lucky that both had Vulcan and Romulan hearing. "I shall be only moments more."

True to his word he was dressed and properly shaven when he emerged in his duty slacks and undershirt. Upon seeing her he nod and moved to nuzzle her neck as he knew she liked.

"Morning She who is my wife." He greeted her finishing with a good morning kiss.

Peta returned the affections. “My loving husband, I have a feeling it will be a long day ahead. Still, I will be looking forward to our coming together at the end of the day.”

"The coming together will be quite fulfilling as this is what Humans call the 'Honeymoon Stage." Sovon replied nuzzling her neck a little. "If you keep to schedule, I will have the time to escort you to Sick Bay on my way."

One thing that Sovon found hard to resist as a physical urge, maybe a lingering Pon Farr urge is Peta's supple skin and resonance and her laugh. Just emotions that cannot be suppressed. Another reason he has a reputation as 'Tainted' in there are times logic can explain why he follows his urges rather than suppression.

"To be escorted by my beloved to work, for that I will make an extra effort to be ready in time." Peta was taking in his nuzzling and touch as though it was a nourishing drink. His touch had become an addiction, in a very short time. One that she was not about to give up.

"Do we have breakfast together first or shall I shower and then we eat?" Peta lightly purred, savouring her tea and his touch.
"Shower and I will see to breakfast." Sovon stopped his ministrations if they really wanted to get going on time. "Anything else might be ...'distracting to me ."

Peta looked at Sovon with rather sultry eyes, truly taking in her husband. "That's understandable. We might not get out of here otherwise." She giggled for a moment. Peta took one quick sampling, in a passion filled kiss with Sovon. It was sweetened all the more by her tea.

"I trust in your choice for breakfast. I won't be long." With one quick nuzzle, she headed for the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, she came back out, her hair partly pinned back in a slide clip, her feather was left free to 'roam'. She was in the undershirt of her uniform and that was neatly tucked into a very figure-hugging skirt with a split in the side. It started a little higher St the waist and went to an inch below her knee. It hugged her hips like she had been poured into it, it was finished off with her eagle necklace and a pair of low heels dyed to match her uniform.

It was a traditional North American plate of Eggs with bacon and hash browns all set up and waiting for her. Sovon hesitated from commenting upon her arrival as he had pulled her chair out to seat her. All logical thoughts were absent as he admired his wife head to toe then back to her sparkling eyes.

"I thought the understanding is Not to distract?" He teased in a less than stoic expression, "I do love you, my wife . He offered the Vulcan kiss as he admired her again.

“And I you, Sovon.” She beamed, taking up the offered seat. “However, I have been wearing this distraction since my senior years in the academy.”

"A whole new term to Upper Class." He went to his side of the table. The females in my class were more demure, and sure of themselves versus men." He explained. "and I should have gone through Counselling course, but I doubt my version of tough love would have been readily accepted."

“There are some that do logically respond to that approach.” Peta smiled, taking a mouthful of her breakfast. “Some, but not all.”

" Most Vulcans do not have the Emotional Empathy for illogical emotional beings outside what is called the norm anyway." Sovon replied. "What humans refer to as crazy."

Peta could not stifle the giggle. “Dropping the word ‘crazy’ around a counsellor, someone is bold.” She had to curb the giggle before taking a sip of he drink. “Crazy is a very broad definition, my Bear. Something I hope not to see in our time aboard. Any approach can have its time and place, even tough love. That is an approach that is not easy for me, most would say I am more adaptive. At any rate, I know of at least three meetings for me today, how about yourself?

"Five scheduled and so far, seven interactions in need of my attention as Security Chief." Sovon was drinking his Human Coffee as he had eaten a bit while waiting his beloved. "A normal day for my Duty Station."

"I am sure mine will get busier all the time as soon as the crew realise that they need to get their onboarding evaluations out of the way. I am hoping they will be reporting in of their own volition, however, if needed, can I count on your services to 'round them up' and bring them to me, kicking and screaming?" Peta smiled behind her mug before taking a sip and returning to her meal.

"Pain stick and sedatives over kicking and screaming seems more logical." Sovon commented flatly.

"The pain stick might work; however, sedatives would defeat the purpose, would it not?" Peta replied. "I do need to be able to talk to them." she quipped slightly. "Not that I would be one to advise you of the better methods to use in your line of work."

"Light sedatives will allow conscious thought by the time they are delivered to you logically." Sovon began. "They cannot get away with sleeping their way through a session naturally."

'My ever-thoughtful husband." Peta smiled, taking another mouthful of bacon. "I'll know just who to call if they decide to avoid me. I am aware that you would not be one to visit, the logical taboos and all. Still, seeing your face for things like lunch or because you 'logically' felt the need to visit, are however... naturally appreciated." She beamed at Sovon, his company was something she did not want to do without.

"All logical Points my beloved." Sovon replied.

"Did you have any thoughts about dinner tonight?" She asked with a small wink.

"Nothing past dessert has occupied my mind at this point." Sovon admitted.

"Sounds like we are both sweet obsessed at the moment. Not that that is a bad thing." She beamed.

Looking in her eyes with a non-Vulcan like fire.

"Remember for a chef ..." Glancing at her favourable figure clinging attire. "Presentation is key, a dish must look as good as it tastes the Humans say."

"Well, I am sure that my 'wrapper' looks more than appealing enough, for you to unwrap it later." She smiled as she finished her meal, collected her dish and came past putting her hand on his shoulder. "However, I believe we might want to get ready to have enough time to walk me to Medical."

"Always thinking the practical." He offered to put her jacket on for her.

She took up the offer, a light smile on her face. "Naturally, would not want to be late, or more likely... tempt fate?" Peta replied, standing close to her loving husband.

Helping his wife into her jacket and a soft nuzzle from behind prior to offering an arm to escort her.

Naturally she took up the offered arm. "Going my way?"

Winking to her. "Always"



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