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Wind ridden hammock

Posted on Thu Sep 19th, 2024 @ 6:07am by Lieutenant Sovon Stormcloud & Lieutenant Peta Stormcloud PsyD

1,659 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 1: "Ooze"


The lap of the waves was a soft background the breeze off the ocean was pleasant and the sheet that covered them seemed enough as the warmth of the sun upon the palms above casts a shadow over the hammock. A Vulcan and Romulan type being together on a Beach Bungalow with Aruba spread out behind and all around them. Caressing the bare skin, the low back one piece discarded quite a bit ago rather quickly afer arriving on his bungalow property and before the hammock.How had he managed to win her over so quickly; he was not on a search for an emotional attachment; though Logically he was open should someone appear.

Perhaps it should be noted that Pita did pin him to a wall with very long but socially accepted emotional behavior in those kisses did ignite just short of Pon Far desires in him.

Peta has a wonderful Giggle; so expressive compared to his Vulcan Stoic demeanor.

The sway of the hammock; the warmth of the woman and supple skin under his touch; the 'First Sight Affection ' he felt for her is growing; past infatuation and into the realm of caring, adoration and a emotional desire to near her seemed instantly automatic to him..

No logical explanation for these feelings; too many word and descriptive variations to put an exact term to it. Good thing he need not explain this to Peta; she understood it he guessed. Her Emotional Nature just seemed to soak up the feelings and use them for her pleasure.

Four days, they had only been together a short time yet he could not think of her never coming around him; to lose this connection... to lose her sparked negative emotions in him. Just light resting with her dozing upon him like a Boilogical Pillow was a sensation emotionally he had never felt and did not want to give it up for... anything really.

Logic be damned, he adored Peta Stormcloud like few humanoids do, he wanted her to accept and be his Mate and no other.

So soft and desirable...

Sovon gave into the sheer bliss and comfort to join Peta in slumber.

The sound of the waves and a strong thumping under ear. These made for a blissful sound around her.

Peta could not remember being this happy, especially not in the arms of a man. There was something very different about Sovon. The way he talked, the use of logic, yet he was so passionate underneath it and had not held back at all during their time 'riding the wind'. His touch seemed to reach through her dreams, soft, subtle, warm and desirable.

The sound of the waves lapping onto the sand was truly soothing, what was more so was the sound of his heart under her ear. It had never seemed quite as comforting as it did in that moment. One eye popped open, then the other. She propped her head up for a moment, to look upon a sleeping Sovon. He seemed peaceful, a very gentle look upon his face.

The sway of the hammock that they were lying in seemed to call her back towards slumber. "Protective, strong, passionate and as warm as a big brown bear." She whispered before stifling a yawn. She knew what she would call him. Most of her Terran friends seemed to have a special name for ones they truly cared for. He was her Bear, the one that could make her heart race like it was riding the wind itself. The wind caressed them in the hammock, making the feather in her hair dance.

Being outside of the bungalow, out in nature was somewhere where she felt more at home. Where she lived there was more of a forest, lakes and waterfalls, so the beach with its salt air and soft sand was a newer and delightful experience. Peta was sure that if they were wrapped up in some furs back home that this would feel just as pleasant, maybe even more so. She would probably look to the treetops to see her Eagle watching over them both. She had a feeling that beautiful bird and guide to her heart would be quite happy in her choice. The wind caressed her cheek, keeping the feather in a light dance, as though sharing its own joy with her.

She was feeling truly at peace, warm, right to her core and genuinely cared for. It may have been quick, but it feels that way when you leap over the waterfall, to dive off the cliff into the lake below. It is quick and yet the joy of doing so is truly palpable.
Her head settled back down, finding his heart once more.

"Sleep well, Strong Bear. To ride the winds with you, is a waking dream I would have a hundred times over, and still pinch myself."
With a lightly stifled yawn, her eyes closed over and dreams of their passions filled her mind as the wind caressed them and the waves lulled her even deeper asleep. Her dreams and desires seemed to be swirling around him. As though the two were carving out their own totem pole, There was something about the way the two were coming together. She still desired time with her sisters yet craved the time with Sovon. The word boyfriend danced in her mind as her dreams weaved pictures of them with feelings in a way neither of them could deny. From somewhere deep in the depths there was another word that rose up sweeping the word boyfriend away. One that meant more, one that would truly describe how she felt. Mate, She snuggled in, wrapping the blanket in tighter around both of their naked forms. To sleep with her mate, that had a beautiful sound to it and tugged at a place deep inside, one that stirred blood that had been long asleep.

Sovon was stirring, the warmth of a woman around him was always welcome but Peta seemed to go a level deeper; strangely strong attraction to her had him more holding her rather than just an arm draped over her while together. The hold appeared to Sovon on retrospect to hit more of the possessive than just satisfied desire.

He mindlessly caressed the soft back; the action of soft contact is soothing to him and allowed him to relax and run a Logic Square in his head yet aware of Peta and if she were to rouse, he would be attention shift to her.

There was a murmur, his touch reaching through and lifting the slumber from Peta. “You make that feel ever so good.” She sighed lightly. “This is fast becoming a habit, dear Sovon. I doubt my sisters will expect me back tonight.”

With what might be a slight smirk Sovon look at Peta.

"Is that a confirmation that you wish to spend..." He paused the Logical thought and the smirk became a soft Grin. "Would you stay with me tonight then?" He asked. "Logic does enforce the affectionate desire I have to keep you here." The softest caress. “In Human terms I want to make love to you til the sunrise. 'Beautiful' is a not accurate description as you are so ...much...more..."

The emotional connection urged him to just bring her closer and kiss her until they could not breathe.

“It’s a confirmation that I wish to spend as much time as I can get with you, at least working around my sisters and all.” Peta blushed. “The idea of making love until the sunrise, is not one I have explored… yet. It sounds enticing.”

Wordlessly, without any real expression Sovon started the slow process he had learnt from a Nuvian; well half learnt as he has only ten fingers, to show Peta that was in earnest to Make Love to her and please every inch of her so she would melt into bliss.

Naturally Peta started to melt under his touch. "I am learning new things about you all the time." She purred.

"I will allow you an overview of the pleasures ahead." He might be grinning slightly, There are 212 places on a humanoid female to add to pleasure, I only used 1.12% of that Potential last night."

Peta had her mind boggle. He had only used such a minute percentage to pretty much 'knock her socks off' in manner of speaking. Here he was talking about making love to her til sunrise, that would mean out of all of those places, there would most certainly be no boredom and probably another night of blowing her mind in just how passionate a Vulcan can be. "So little, for a night like that! It would take quite some time and effort to get through them all."

Kissing the nape of her neck he whispered to her while his touch 'stimulated' as well.

"Longer as you might favour some over others prompting repeat examples of the technique." Sovon assured.

Peta started running her fingers over the back of his right ear. "Of that, I have no doubt." She was fascinated by the earring, the way it danced on its own and glittered in the light. She was soft, almost like the touch of a feather over his ear, there yet almost not.

In life there are actions and reactions; these are often put in motion Logically by a switch. Peta had found a switch in her endeared one ...

Sovon naturally went into what can only be described as a Pon Farr Emotional Pounce to show his deep devoted love for her in a physical form...

It hit her, more than even a wave on the shore could. Peta had pressed a button that had brought out something that had only been in her dreams and not right in front of her. She basked in what was offered and gave her own in reply, as best as she could.



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