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Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 6:16am

Lieutenant Peta Stormcloud

Name Peta Luna Stormcloud PsyD

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Romulan/Human (Navajo tribe)
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 75 kgs
Hair Color Deep Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Peta is a tall and curvy woman of mixed heritage. Facially she has the looks of a Romulan without the typical more green-bronze skin colour. Her ears have the typical Romulan points, while her skin tone is more that of her Native American mother.

She has strong green eyes that seem to portray a lot of emotion, her adopted father often commented it was like the Great Spirit reached into some deep mountain and gave her shimmering emeralds for eyes. She has her hair quite long, a rather typical tradition of her people, it is always well kept and healthy.

She has led a quite active life and so is quite physically toned and has more of an hourglass figure to her with long and slender legs.

She is always seen wearing twin eagle feathers in her hair on her left-hand side and a Bajoran earring on her right ear.


Spouse Sovon Stormcloud
Children Not at this time
Father Chayton Stormcloud (Adopted)
Mother Mitena Stormcloud
Brother(s) Kai - Older half brother
Sister(s) Aiyana - older half sister

Malia - younger half sister

Personality & Traits

General Overview Peta is a strong and determined young woman. Born of a mixed heritage between a logical yet emotional race and one that believes in connection to nature and of spirits that can guide a person's actions; there are some that would say there are plenty of things between them that could be major sources of contradiction.

In being raised within the Navajo nation, she had a 'greater family' than her own mother, father and siblings. This gave her the more natural ideals of compassion, community and a sense of belonging.

Peta (Golden Eagle) is one who is emotionally in touch, goes with the 'flow of the wind' and has been known to make a split-second decision as well as a more considered one to the point of consulting the Great Spirit and her Eagle guide for a second voice on a crucial decision. She is one that will see insights into a person through actions, words and even things like dreams. No one thing is enough to truly draw upon to be able to understand and draw upon.

She is quite friendly, however she does not have as much of a knowledge of the Romulan people, their background or techniques for controlling the one thing that everyone has that can be something akin to controlling water or the wind itself – her very emotions can be as fluid as the water and sometimes just as harsh as the waves breaking a boat as they crash upon it. It can take a lot for Peta to come back into balance. However, that has been lessened after connecting with Sorvon. She also utilises what she has learnt from the Navajo people to aid in those efforts.

As a Counsellor, she is a 'hands on' type of practitioner. She believes in feeling, truly experiencing, then analysing and forming a solution to a problem. Anger issues are worked though be 'venting' and then understanding where it is coming from and either working through it or redirecting the energy; situations like depression are not denied, pushed aside, or glossed over, instead they are acknowledged, and she encourages the patient to 'challenge' that emotional state and 'push' back against the clouds that have come into their life.

Strengths & Weaknesses +/- Passionate, can let it get away from her

- Can be highly stubborn

+ Compassionate and understanding

+ Patient, to a point

- Romulan temper

- Emotional control can be a fight within herself, she is working to correct this

? - has quite the sweet tooth
Ambitions Within a counselling capacity there is not as much of an aspiration for advancement.

At this point in life, Peta has more of an ambition towards family and her life with Sorvon, she is well aware that her career will be a long on and so it can still have its challenges further down the path.
Hobbies & Interests Swimming

Dancing - including Native American dances




Climbing and hiking (Trekking

Personal History Peta (Translated into Standard to mean Golden Eagle) was the second daughter to be bestowed to the Stormcloud family. Hers was not the most typical of beginnings.

Her adopted father was away on a separate hunting party to Peta’s mother, when she came upon a peculiar looking man. His skin was a very different colour to that of her own and the points of his ears certainly suggested he was one who ‘lived beyond, within the reaches of the stars’. The man looked quite unwell, as though as fire raged within him that was not willing to let go of the star-dweller. Mitena did her best, offering water and Navajo medicine to calm the fire within. The star-dweller just shook his head. He did not speak Navajo, and she did not speak that of his tongue. Both did not know much standard yet had to make do with that as a way to try and communicate. Mitena asked, what was to become of him. His reply was simply one word, ‘Death’. Mitena’s eyes went wide. The word No slipped out in her own tongue. She asked if there was anything she could do to help him to quell the fire. The star-dweller had been thinking that her was ‘too far gone’ and that Death was on the doorstep.

Mitena became insistent, that was when he offered what was the only real chance he had. Mitena ‘rode on the wind’ with him, but only once. It seemed to ease his pain, yet he slipped away to the ‘Great Spirit’ not long after, in Mitena’s arms. She explained what had happened to Peta’s father and nothing more was said of it. Four months later Mitena knew that she had been ‘blessed by the Spirit’ to carry another life. That life was to be a rather large and beautiful baby girl with a different look to her and pointed ears. Her father did not even put up a fuss, they kept Peta and he has been the only father that Peta has ever known.

Hers was a quiet childhood growing up within the Navajo nation; learning of their rich history and ways in the world. She would be the free spirit, encouraged to try everything and to help all, not just be one individual, but part of a greater whole. Her early years were filled with helping the tribe, climbing trees, running with the wind, frolicking under waterfalls and generally having a care-free life filled with learning and joy.

It was when she turned sixteen and her body completed it’s changes to bring her into womanhood that she began to see as much as she was the same, as to just how different she was. Peta always seemed to have stronger emotions than those around her. Her temper was stronger, more intense than that of her brother and sisters her passion and lows were equally as intense. It was when the time of Pon’Farr found her that those differences in biology became truly evident and beat upon her quite harshly.

Peta had been out on her journey to find her personal totem, the guide of her heart and spirit. It had already taken five days of spirit walking and communing in the forest for her to find the Eagle that was to be her guide. Once she made it back to cam p she came inside the family home and promptly collapsed upon her bed. Her mother recognised the seeming fire within without an end and called for the tribal elder/medicine man.

He looked to Peta and then to the Great Spirit. None of their medicine would help ease Peta in this time of need, yet she was too young to be considering what Mitena had as a resolution. There was an eagle’s call outside of the home. When they looked outside of the window, they saw the eagle watching over Peta. The decision was made for Peta to treat this as an extension of her journey and to spend this time in commune with the ‘Great Spirit’ in hopes that she will find the strength to come out on the other side. It was a very rough six days; it was noted that other than to get food when others were around her, the eagle did not leave its perch close by Peta. She was exhausted yet seemed to make it through.

Life went on as usual for a while, until at age 26 Peta felt a pull from the wind, it was pulling her away from home and off to Starfleet and the stars beyond their home. During her time in the academy, she went through basic training, then she found her calling within the mind and took up Psychology. She completed a secondary degree in ‘Psychology for non-Terrans as well as diversifying her counselling techniques and completing Diplomatic training.

She completed some work at the academy as a counsellor and was taking a break with her sisters after completing a stint for the Diplomatic corps when the girls went to Aruba for a week. It was there that she felt the wind pull her to go and watch some people playing tennis. This was not a usual thing for her, it was there that she made eye contact with a rather tall Vulcan.

At that point she was approached by a man who turned out to be a rather brash ‘lone wolf’ who had a reputation for preying on unsuspecting women. This was when Peta was approached by Sorvon. He had taken it upon himself to warn her that she was in danger of being pulled into a ‘one nighter’ situation and that it would have been a regrettable mistake. After doing so he left, without much more of a conversation.

Peta took it upon herself to find Sorvon and took him aside. Something in her encouraged her to pin hi to the wall and then proceed to ask him why he had helped her and then just walked off. While looking deep into her eyes (yet not just her eyes) her proceeded to just up and kiss Peta. In how wonderful that moment felt, Peta accepted his first advancement, and they went on a walk along the beach together.

The two seemed instantly drawn together, the two spent the night together without much of a thought for her two half sisters back in their own shared room. From there she went to his tournament, then a romantic dinner. The two were becoming fast entwined with each other. Peta invited Sorvon to her tribal home, to meet all of her family. There the connection deepened even further. The ‘Great Spirit’, her eagle and family blessed the union. The took the bonding vows together and were promptly married in a tribal ceremony with Peta’s family. Peta was then whisked off to Bajor, where she met his adopted family, and the couple went through a Bajoran ceremony with his family and under the watchful gaze of the Bajoran Prophets.

During this time, they also were seeking a transfer to a new command together as husband and wife. Orders are quickly drawn up and the two transfer to the USS Yorktown for the remainder of Matrimonial leave time on ship.

Service Record At age 26 Peta enters the academy. After completing basic training and any officer classes, she transitioned into her medical training in Psychology. While completing her second degree she took up a position at Starfleet academy as a trainee counsellor. After her second degree and into her second stint in counselling Peta opts to complete Diplomatic training and once that is complete she transfers to the diplomatic corps for a longer stint working behind the scenes in completing briefing packets and acting as a diplomatic ‘plus one’ for specific attaches upon consultation.

After meeting Sorvon and falling in love rather quickly she resigned her diplomatic position, took some leave to be able to complete the ceremonies and travel and then applied and was accepted to the USS Yorktown to her first shipboard position as a Chief Counsellor.