
Season 1, Episode 0: "A Time To Heal"

Post Count: 75

The year is 2403- a period of great excitement for Starfleet’s venerable Task Force 23, as they take delivery of their first ever Constitution III-Class explorer: NCC-91781, the latest in a long line of ships to carry the storied name of Yorktown. Joining the likes of such proud ships as the Calypso, Yamato, and Aurora, expectations are high for the new vessel, as its success could pave the way for a new generation of explorers with the capability to go further than Starfleet has ever gone before.

At the same time, changes are taking place in the mysterious Sector 5591, which has been off-limits to Starfleet since its initial charter in 2297. The main governing body of the sector, the Moldoviț Regime, has collapsed under its own hubris, its people having grown tired of having to put up with famine after famine while their rulers live like kings. After a brutal civil war, millions lay dead, the economy is in ruins, and the new Provisional Government needs a strong guiding hand to help them through this period of reconstruction. Thus, they have conscientiously elected to break their centuries-old policy of isolation and seek Starfleet’s assistance. With Task Force 23 having won the commission to render aid to the Annexari people, it’s a win-win situation- a first-contact opportunity, a boost in both morale and public relations, and- perhaps above all else- a prime opportunity to put their new Constitution III through its paces. Thus, the crew of the Yorktown, commanded by the eager yet unproven Commander Hikari Karibuchi, will have just under a week to get the Yorktown ready before they set out for Sector 5591, and the boundless wealth of discoveries that await it…

Season 1, Episode 1: "Ooze"

Post Count: 0

The Yorktown arrives in Sector 5591 to begin its first assignment; for the past year or so, the farming collective of Dacaris IV has been afflicted by a mysterious blight, which has all but wiped out domestic crops and forced its citizens to turn to government aid- which, in and of itself, has been tricky as a result of the intense political fallout stemming from the Civil War. As the first organization in a long time to be in a stable enough economic state to render aid, the crew of the Yorktown is obligated to help out in whatever way they can. To that end, an away team is beamed down to the surface, where they are quick to identify the source of the blight as a toxic black ooze bubbling up through the soil. Questions arise as to how exactly this mysterious ooze was introduced into the planet’s ecosystem, along with the practicality of removing it from the ecosystem again. The solution may lie in an abandoned space station on Dacaris IV’s moon, which has laid derelict for the better part of two decades…

Season 1, Episode 2: "Boomtown"

Post Count: 0

The Yorktown visits the remote Annexari prison colony of Oltenia III, which lost contact with the Annexari following the outbreak of the Civil War. It’s soon discovered that, in the absence of authority, a vast dilithium deposit was uncovered beneath the planet’s surface, prompting the prisoners to revolt, kill the wardens, and set up a mining community to harvest these resources. Their despotic leader—a mentally unstable man who was sent away by the Moldoviț Regime some 30 years ago for mass murder, makes clear that the prisoners consider Oltenia III to be their planet now, and wants a 100% share of the profits reaped from the sale of Dilithium. Unfortunately, in order to be recognized by the Galactic Dilithium Trade Authority, they must declare themselves independent of the Provisional Government—and, as it would stand to reason, the Provisional Government is unwilling to grant full sovereignty to a mass murder. Instead, they issue their own orders to the crew of the Yorktown: bring the felons in to stand trial, or they’ll do it themselves- violently.

Season 1, Episode 3: "Unfinished Business"

Post Count: 0

The Yorktown arrives at the war-torn commune of Esromaeria V—one of the hardest-hit planets in the entire war, with one out of every five civilians having been killed in the conflict—to deliver supplies and render aid. As the crew comes to reckon with the true extent of the death and destruction that permeates the sector, Commander Karibuchi makes a startling discovery of her own; an old classmate from her Academy days is living in exile on Estomaeria V after having sold trade secrets to the Romulan Star Empire. A quick cross-reference of Starfleet Records uncovers that there’s still a bounty on his head, and following a quick inferral with Starfleet Command, they make their orders crystal clear: The fugitive is to be brought in- by any means necessary. However, it’s clear that the fugitive isn’t going down without a fight, and it’ll take every trick in Commander Karibuchi’s book to finally bring him to justice.

Season 1, Episode 4: "Pandora's Box"

Post Count: 0

The Yorktown arrives over Iasii VII, an uninhabited Class-O planet, to determine the presence of dilithium deposits beneath the surface of its ocean. However, what they find instead is far more than they could’ve bargained for; a massive, undersea vault, easily predating known Annexari history by at least 1,000 years. And with the further discovery that the vault contains air pockets after all this time, an away team led by Commander Karibuchi is beamed down, eager to plumb the secrets of a long-lost era in Anexari history. However, this vault is harboring a sinister secret, one which the away team is unfortunately exposed to first-hand when a mysterious relic causes all of them to start coughing uncontrollably. After being beamed directly into the Yorktown’s</em< quarantine facilities, it’s discovered that the away team was exposed to an ancient biogenic weapon, one that causes the formation of painful blisters on the lungs. If not treated, the away team could very well perish, and so the race is on to find a cure... before it’s too late for Commander Karibuchi and her crew.

Season 1, Episode 5: "Safe Passage"

Post Count: 0

The Yorktown receives a distress signal emanating from the Baia system—a region of Sector 5591 that has been off-limits for nearly a decade due the discovery that the system’s sun is dangerously close to going supernova. With the long-awaited event just a few days away, the Yorktown rushes to the Baia system to perform a rescue. However, as it soon comes to pass, this is far from what one would consider to be an “average” distress signal, and as a rescue team is beamed down to the surface of Baia II, it becomes crystal clear that this was a ruse to draw them out. However, before they can beam back, they are captured by a mysterious woman, who demands that in exchange for the safe return of her hostages, the Yorktown shall transfer an orphaned child to his new, adoptive family in the Alpha Quadrant. A task that’s easier said than done, especially when it comes to light that the child in question is none other than the son of the recently-executed dictator of the Moldoviț Regime…

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