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Tennis Balls and Swim Suits

Posted on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 6:16am by Lieutenant Sovon Stormcloud & Lieutenant Peta Stormcloud PsyD
Edited on on Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 3:44am

1,535 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 1: "Ooze"
Location: Aruba, Earth
Timeline: Backpost


Peta and her sisters were not usually ones to leave the tribe and wander too far away. Peta had wandered furthest in being one to go to Starfleet Academy and the Diplomatic corps. In coming home for a break, they all had gotten to talking about going to a nice beach, being able to feel the soft sand and saltwater. The girls had been there for about three days already. Peta had gone for a stroll along the beach, wanting to feel the sand under her feet. While walking along the wind changed, it seemed to almost nudge and forced Peta to turn in a different direction. The breeze that went past her seemed to toss the feather in her hair about a lot. Almost like the eagle was on the wind and trying to give her a hint.

Peta took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. She could almost hear the eagle’s call on the wind.

“This way?” The wind rushed past her. “Okay, what is so special about this way?” The wind seemed to caress at her cheek and then rush past her again. “I can take a hint.”

With that she picked up her sandals and went walking where the wind ‘urged’ her to go. It was not long before she made it to the tennis courts. Tennis was not something she had really been interested in before. As she walked along, she saw someone playing at one end that caught her eye. She moved around to get a better view, to find there was a tall Vulcan playing. The wind caressed at her cheek again, almost as though to point out ‘here’s your reason, you’re welcome’.

Peta settled in at the railing. She was standing watching a Vulcan she did not know in nothing but a one-piece swimsuit, sarong and sandals and she couldn’t even care less. There was something about the Vulcan that held her attention.

Sovon logically paid great concentration to his passions, that is why they are called such. While he and his human partner Ronnie were doing well; he did make a notation while at the point change and his partner led the way as sides changed as well.

Shapely legs were a distraction to males, the Hourglass figure added to the notation, and he could just make out the eyes. Deep pools that he could swim in given the chance emotionally. It was just an instant, but it would have a profound effect upon an emotionally based individual. Quite the curiosity.

Tennis sort of a casual attire for Spectators but what really caught the attention is a sky-blue one-piece bathing suit with only a white sarong lightly tied around the waist. Also, the fact she looked more befitting the beach beyond the courts. He did notice her engrossed gaze on this court. The logic at this would be this female has tried to check him out as a player; yet his line of reasoning had two flaws: One is that there is another male opposite him and the pointed ears of a Romulan. The shape of the ears should be obvious to tell the difference between Vulcan and Romulan but often it came to the Forehead shape. More pronounced... normally but this female just had the genetics to hint at Romulan Blood.

Human blood in her as well; an explanation for her being here while most Romulans avoided the Earth and the illogical Humans.
Sovon and Ronnie are at Game point; win this set and both advance to the finals. It is time to focus on his game, oh yes, why would a Romulan beauty be focused on a Logical Vulcan cousin genetically. Her on Earth would give some evidence, she at least liked Human Male company upon occasion logically.

While lost in the Tennis, a voice spoke behind Peta.

“Now, why would an obviously pretty lady such as yourself, be here watching Tennis alone? Would you happen to be waiting for someone to join you?”

She turned around to see a blonde man behind her. He wore a tight knit shirt of tan with brown shorts with reflective lens sunglasses hanging on the collar.

“No, I was walking and was kind of drawn here. I was actually enjoying watching them play.” She turned back to watch the Vulcan again.

The Vulcan was agile; his partner was a slender Blonde who even in that skirt with bloomer combination had legs and a figure. The fact she played well would be a bonus to most males, This Vulcan would return his turn and seemed confident she would do her part.

Thus far she kept up with the Vulcan, who moved with grace that is more than just Tennis. Not that Peta understood how the game is really played, just the lithe form of the Vulcan and coordinated game he played.

“Really? From where I’m standing it looks more like you are scoping out some potential …. Company?” He replied.

“Scoping out company?” Peta turned around, she looked at the man and something seemed off. "Why would you think that? You don't even know me!"

"Have you ever witnessed a tennis game?" He was obviously taking another gander at her swimsuit and Sarong compared to most spectators.

"Where I live, Tennis is not a big sport. This is the first game I have really paid attention to." Peta replied, as she watched the match, in particular, the tall Vulcan.

"You look like a beach girl yet your attention to that game has you all but drooling." He winked. "So those points mean a man caught your eye in passing and you are here scoping out the players." He smiled in a sly knowing way. "Swim attire to a tennis match is on a woman who can be noticed and likely approached to give companionship."

The said match had heated up as Ronnie and Sovon were in a hearty exchange nearing the victory with Match Point. It was Ronnie who reach high but only tapped the ball to drop it near the net on the opposite team.

Peta was keeping an eye on the action, sitting side on, on the railing. She smiled on watching him and truly was not wanting to give the man chatting to her the time of day. Yet he was not getting the hint.

My name is Rick. "He offered a bow. "A fan of Tennis, I would be happy to share my knowledge and answer any questions you might have if you like."

She was polite and turned to face the man in reply. "I can think of someone better to ask about that."

Ronnie and Sovon share a light Hip Bump like on a dance floor as he gestured for her to proceed him. It was a victory and into the Semi-finals on the morrow.

Sovon glanced in the direction of the beauty in a one piece, of course there is a man talking to her. Guess her interest in one of the players was a miscalculation on Sovon's part.

No surprise there, a figure in that Bathing suit will catch any male's attention within sight. Add to it the exoticness of a Romulan female with those curves attest to Sovon being way out of potential.

The fact that grabbed his focus is the Wolf that hovered. Having some residency on the Island, Sovon is aware of the more notable 'Players' with women on the Island.

Rick had to buy a new set of bedposts to put his Notches upon, the previous ones appear full. Not the kind of man a Lady of her obvious class need make.

Rather than following Ronnie at the top of the steps, Sovon detoured to the couple for some unknown reason.

Peta was trying to show her obvious disinterest. With the match being over, she was trying to look for the Vulcan she had been watching.

"Tennis is far more fun to play, all the skill really is inside in the wrist. Fore and Backhand strokes." Rick was explaining.
"I am sure it would be more interesting with the right teacher." Peta replied, thinking more of the Vulcan player than this 'invader of space'.

"Not that I would interrupt a moment of introduction, yet I find that a fine and obviously lively lady as yourself too a decerning visitor." Sovon had done his physical observations of her while walking up. "As I do not like our little community getting an undue reputation. I feel compelled to warn you of a Wolf on the hunt that will not be there after getting his feasting of the Lady."
"I happen to just be a fine companion." Rick protested.

"Point made, I am sure you know the signs, I just wish to warn you of what could be a regret come morning."

"I do appreciate the warning." Peta replied to the Vulcan, smiling at him. "Yours is a kind heart."

"As for you.." Peta began. "A Wolf is a Wolf no matter what skin he wears! I do not want to be something the Coyote drags in come morning."

Sovon took his leave while the Lady speaks her mind.



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