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Logical check-in

Posted on Fri Oct 4th, 2024 @ 1:00am by Commander Hikari Karibuchi & Lieutenant Sovon Stormcloud & Lieutenant Peta Stormcloud PsyD

2,842 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 1: "Ooze"
Location: USS Yorktown (NCC-91781), Captain Karibuchi's Ready Room, Deck 1
Timeline: June 22, 2403, 0933 hours (Stardate 78017.8)

"Captain's Log, Stardate 78017.8,

The Yorktown is finally underway and en route to Sector 5591, at a stable warp factor of 8. While Lieutenant Fran informs me that I could achieve a comfortable cruising speed of Warp 9.9 indefinitely, given that the Yorktown is only sixth of her respective class, I am hesitant to be pushing her too hard, given the likelihood that parts will be difficult to come by. Wouldn't want to burn out the Mark Fifteen barely a stone's throw from Romulan space and have to wait a whole week for a replacement... yikes.

...Aaaand speaking of the Mark Fifteen! I recently received a level one diagnostic from Lieutenant Fran, and I am pleased to report that all systems are coming back green across the board; no major mechanical issues, no stress fractures in the hull, no major bugs with the Computer Core... even the Coffee Machine is functioning optimally. Now THAT almost never happens.

What else am I obligated to mention... Oh, yeah, I just heard back from Starfleet Command that my 2XO request form was approved, so Commander Regan has officially been instated as my Second Officer. I understand that the Command tract wasn't exactly on her radar before this impromptu decision, but hey, it wasn't on my radar when they made me Second Officer of the Bonhomme Richard either. Time will tell if this all pans out for Commander Regan, but I'm crossing my fingers and hoping this was the right call.

And I... think that's it? Oh, wait, ooone last thing: I have recieved reports that my Chief of Security and Chief Counselor are finally getting back from their honeymoon, and will be reporting in later this morning. While they are a bit... late in doing so, I suppose it's still better than never. And it's not like we're in the middle of a covert assignment and can't give away our position...

Alright, I've rambled long enough; if I keep at this, Starfleet Command's probably going to take issue to my "fluffing" out the Captain's Logs for content. So, uh... end log?"


Sovon walked on the bridge, it was impressive, a star ship always has an air of the impressive. Having been on older vessels the New Ship Smell of this one has an emotional twinge. Logically he could chalk it up to new command nerves.
Then when Peta is close the logic is not as clear to him.

The Captain had been kind enough to allow he and Peta to complete their wedding leave days in their cabin. That time is over, duty calls and Sovon answers where he is logically needed.

Checking in with Command after a time aside from the crew might seem strange, but it was a Honeymoon so Sovon just went with the logical flow of events.

Going to the doors he rang the chime for entrance.

Peta came off of the turbolift and onto the bridge, not far behind her 'Bear', not that she would call him such on duty. She checked her feathers, earring, jacket and smoothed her skirt for what felt like the tenth time since she had gotten dressed for the day.

She spotted Sovon ahead of her, waiting patiently after ringing the ready room chime. She walked down rather quietly and came to a stop beside him.

"It seems the captain wishes to acknowledge both our arrival and our union." There was a soft smile on her face. At least having Sovon there would help mitigate any nerves she had. "I cannot think of any other reason as to why we would be reporting together, as much as it soothes me so."

A quick but subtle offering of index and middle finger in a Vulcan 'Kiss' is socially acceptable if only a touch, like a 'peck' of the lips before entering.

"Greetings, upon the other side of the door we are, all business, so I offer this beforehand."

Peta accepted, offering the fingers of her left hand and tracing over Sovon's offered ones.

"I will take what I can get, while I can. Naturally, around the captain it is business faces and the honeymooners wait until tonight." She beamed at him, running a hand over the chain of her earring, as she tucked some hair behind it, again.

"The Earring weight does take getting accustomed to." Sovon said as he broke contact to have his hands behind his back and ready for the bidding to enter. Logic back in control.

"As I am finding out." Her fingers ran over the earring before she settled her hands in front of her, interlacing her fingers.

The doors to the Captain's ready room snapped open; seated behind the desk at the far end of the room was a relatively young-looking human female, easily no older than her early thirties; a series of three gold pips running along her collarbone denoted that this was more than likely their Commanding Officer- perhaps even the Executive Officer, but the fact that she was seated behind the Captain's desk made the former a more likely possibility.

"Ah, Lieutenants Stormcloud and Stormcloud!" she greeted as Sorvon and Peta entered the room. "Finally coming up for air, I see?"

Peta looked to Sovon for a moment. "I suppose, from a more human standpoint, that we... had that coming?" There was a slight bow, also she was doing a calming exercise within her clasped hands.

"From a logical point of view, we are 'none the worse' for the experience." Sovon added. "Thank you for the added indulgence, two ceremonies on two planets did bite into the romantic time before rushing to make the Yorktown departure Ma'am."

"Well, I suppose a day late is better than never," the Commander smiled. "What's say you two have a seat? We've got lots to discuss."

"Thank you, Ma'am." Sovon replied.

Sovon held the seat for his wife to seat herself before taking his own as he believed a Human Gentleman should do.

"Civil unrest is an uneasy situation in general; add Civil War you get a possibly volatile situation to say the least." came Sovon's reply. "There are many emotional entanglements here Logically."

Peta nodded, agreeing with the observation. "Sovon is quite correct, the current situation is a weary one."

"Alright, so..." the Commander reached forward and cracked her knuckles. "First thing's first, I take it the two of you have been brought up to speed on the situation with the Annexari?"

"The Civil uprisings are not my area of expertise, but more traditional Warfare?" Sovon pointed out. "Unless you compare to past methods of War to wear down the enemy or cause wide spread hardship to force 'talks' between persons or parties concerned."

"Sourcing food has not been easy considering the civil war that has been in the area. We have been asked to do what we can to aid these people. That could be as simple as supplementing supplies to help them, however i doubt it will be quite as simple as that." Peta looked to the captain. "Unstable situations tend to make people unstable as well."

"All too true, sadly," The Commander sighed, before shifting her attention over to Sovon. "So, as I'm sure you've also deduced, Lieutenant, it would seem that we're heading into a particularly volatile situation- every away team that we beam down has the potential to be ambushed by loyalist holdouts. Ideally, I think we could use an armed Security presence to accompany our landing parties, but do you think one security officer per away team is going to be enough, or should there at least be two?"

"That depends upon how many teams will be operating at a time?" Sovon began. "Though it cuts your effective team by one-third I suggest two be with each team. Especially when roaming corridors plus a team of six on surface like a roving guard to cover any problems and rapidly respond should there trouble with other teams."

"I agree," the Commander smiled. "However, as a preponderance of caution, I think it may behoove us to double the roving guard?"

"Agreed, and how many teams will be on the surface at a time?" Sovon had antisipated this point. "If more than two i wouls suggest a full team per three survey teams. that way a two person support if needed and twoper survey team will allow four able bodies per incident. That should do well and not appear we are expecting trouble."

"That will likely depend on the mission, but I anticipate situations where we could have up to four independent teams operating on the surface at a given time," the Commander replied, before shifting her attention over to Peta. "As for you, Counselor, I have taken the liberty of assigning your work schedule to run concurrently with your husband; I'd also like to have you serving on the bridge for at least two of your eight-hour shift- your station will be immediately to my left, and if my Second Officer is using the seat at the time, I will ask her to vacate. Both of you will have to be on the bridge during a red alert, regardless of shift or bridge time. How you spend the other six hours of your shift will be up to you, but I might advise assessing our crew's mental health, devising treatment plans tailored to each individual if and as needed, and counsel any crew members who may be in distress or at risk of harming themselves or others."

Peta could not help but smile. "That is quite considerate of you... may I call you Hikari?" Peta paused to consider the CO's arrangements. "This is my first real shipboard assignment as a counsellor. I am truly appreciative of the advice. I had already been thinking about getting through the evaluations as soon as possible and starting any treatment rotations soon after that. To hear that you echo that sentiment, shows I was already thinking correctly. We will all need to be at our best for this. Between Minerva and myself, I am sure we will medically have the crew 'ship shape'. The arrangement for the bridge with the second officer sounds amicable. I look forward to meeting her and the rest of the crew. Have there been any crew so far that might have shown some.... behaviour of concern?'

The Commander, Hikari, appeared to ponder Peta's question.

"There are two that immediately come to mind, but it's hardly anything I'd call "disruptive," she answered as she retrieved a PADD from under her desk and pulled up a couple of personnel files for Peta to read over. "The first is our Chief Flight Control Officer, Lieutenant Naoe Kanno; she was originally referred to the Yorktown on my sister's behalf, and while I can attest to her abilities behind the helm, she does also have a bit of difficulty in socializing with others. I've agreed to help her work on her behavior, but I think I could benefit from some professional advice."

'That is quite understandable, I think that is a wise call. Some can be quite 'awkward' in their social graces. i will see what i can do to help. And the second?" Peta replied.

"The second is one of our Security Officers, Lieutenant JG Octavia Zephyrin-Attix," Hikari continued. "Sister of our Chief Medical Officer, wife of our Chief Diplomat; the CMO has brought to my attention that her relationship with their youngest sister is strained due to their culture's perception of what constitutes, quote, "public service"; Lieutenant Attix has gone on record to insist that it won't negatively impact her ability to perform her duties, but I for one can't say that I trust her, so it may behoove us to get a professional opinion."

"Family matters can be quite 'touchy' at the best of times. I will need to review their files and probably take it from there, with the guidance of the other sisters. sufficed to say, that could be a lengthy process, and you might want to be prepared for some speed bumps or even dead ends. That, I'm afraid i will not have much control over.

"Anything you can provide me will go a long way, Counselor," Hikari assured her. "Even if this ultimately comes to nothing- which is certainly a risk that I'm willing to accept- if it offers me the slightest chances of improving my abilities to communicate with these two, then I'm more than willing to take that chance."

"Perfectly understandable. Just be aware that it may take some time. I am not sure of just how resistant to the whole process that any of the sisters might be. Still, i will endeavour to do my best." Peta mulled the information over, it sounded like she had work ahead of her, besides the mission.

"So, then," Hikari began, addressing both Sovon and Peta. "Have you two gotten the chance to get a lay of your respective departments?"

"No heads have been required to roll as yet." Sovon answered. "That may change when I interject my adjustments to the program."

"For the better part, counselling stands ready. My own office has had a slight makeover to make it feel less clinical, I have encouraged the other staff to do the same. it will be interesting to see just how well the crew goes in reporting in for their evaluations. There is usually one that will have to be... dragged in kicking and screaming. Sovon has assured me that his department has ways to 'encourage' or 'assist' in their arrival to my offices." Peta seemed rather serious for a moment. "The better 'encouragement' is the rumour mill, hearing that those at the top have already done so, can 'put the squeeze' on those who choose to hold out."

"The lack of enthusiasm for Counselor checks is not an uncommon problem on the ships I have served; thus, I have implemented several assistance programs in the past with success." Sovon shrugged.

'Let's hope they are not needed, yet it might be an idea to have them on stand-by. Some people do like to 'hold out' thinking they can 'avoid it'." Peta looked at Sovon. "Although I highly doubt that you would do so."

Sovon raised a knowing eyebrow that hinted of something not given in this reply opportunity that Peta had to notice.

Peta picked up the hint, a slight hint of cheekiness was hidden in her smile.

"Hopefully, we won't have to use them," Hikari chuckled. "Alright, then; will that be all you guys need, or are there any other questions you need me to answer?"

"It is my job to not take up Brain space from you." Sovon began. "And with luck that would mean our future conversations could be cauterized as social."

Peta looked to Sovon and then to Hikari. "The biggest thing that will set the tone is how open you are in your evaluation and just what sort of relationship you wish with your counsellor. Do you wish the advisor style or the 'Jiminy Cricket? Both have their own pros and cons. However, I think that can be defined during your evaluation. Might I also suggest somewhere else besides your 'sanctuary' of the ready room?"

"Oh, but of course," Hikari answered almost immediately. "I gotta finish filing today's paperwork, so give me about... ten minutes, and I'll meet you down in your office once I'm done here?"

"No problem. I'll make sure to have my office ready to go. I have already been reviewing some personnel files, and so have some prepared notes. I will endeavour not to keep you too long."

"If that is all Captain; I must request permission to depart as duty calls; being new in my Duty Station I must tend to things for your and Commander Fan's approval, sIr."

"Seeing as we have an appointment all queued up, I'll join my loving husband and leave you to 'tying up loose ends'."

"It was an honor Captain." Sovon bow slightly as he rose.

"Mine as well," Hikari smiled as she offered them her outstretched hand. "Welcome aboard the Yorktown, you two; it's a pleasure to have you on board with us."

Peta rose, a soft smile on her face. She gave a slight bow, having her feather slip forward for a moment. She took up the handshake briefly allowing for Sovon to do the same. "The honour is ours, Captain, I will see you very soon." She stepped back a moment to allow for Sovon to take up his farewell with Hikari.

Sovon rose, shook the hand of the Captain and with his hand at the small of Peta's back he guide her out of the Ready Room.

Posting by (In order of appearance):

Commander Hikari Karibuchi
Commanding Officer, USS Yorktown (NCC-91781)

Lieutenant Sovon Stormcloud
Chief Security Officer, USS Yorktown (NCC-91781)

Lieutenant Peta Stormcloud
Chief Counselor, USS Yorktown (NCC-91781)


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