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Logic with a Cardassian twist.

Posted on Thu Jan 16th, 2025 @ 4:14am by Lieutenant Paisley F'rar & Lieutenant Sovon Stormcloud

1,876 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 0: "A Time To Heal"
Location: OPerations.


Stormcloud walked along with stiff measured steps; his gaze forward towards the destination. The urge to give a small and subtle shake of the head to feel the weight of his family earring as he strode ahead. The fact that his duty called and he had to exchange information and adapt things accordingly. A picture is worth a thousand words; being of a large vocabulary his mental description is very precise.

Were he to be Bajoran, Sovon might have more of an emotional reaction to what waited and have two marks in the negative. There are few things that give a Bajoran an emotional spike; the Cardassian Race ; as a whole, is not seen in a brighter light. One point where when studying the Prophets one could be in wonder if there are times that the protection from the Prophets is somewhere else in the universe in time of Bajoran need?

The legacy of atrocities from the Cardassians that cut the worst to Bajorans comes from the enslavement wrought upon the 'Slaves by the 'Masters.' There are lingering example of the Cardie's disrespect of the Slave Race. The taking of woman for the egotistical Cardassian Males' pleasure, those poor souls that had half their Bajoran Purity stolen from them is a crime.

Though more criminal might be those females that gave in; in some cases sought out, the companionship of Cardies. Taking pleasure and a degree of favoritism from Cardassian Rule. Leaving their brethren to be subjugated without remorse. In these cases the Female Cardies are worst than the males; selecting what slave appealed to them at that time like one would order drinks at a bar.

Getting closer to Operations these thoughts are swirling in the back of his mind as he rang the chime to the chief's office.

Paisley's head rose at the sound of the chimes. She looked around, confused, for a moment. She'd been so deep in her work that she'd nearly forgotten where she was. Quickly, she shook herself back to reality. "Come in!" She called out. The pneumatic doors opened, and she smiled. "Hello!" She said, standing up. "Feel free to have a seat." She said.

Seeing an opportunity, Stormcloud strode into the office. The head looking back at him had familiarity and some trepidation, not that his normal Vulvan stoic expression remain. Tilting his head slightly as he seem to take in the room, he had moved to get a comforting feel from the weightof his Bajoran Family Earring.

"I am Sovon Stormcloud." He began. "I will be responsible for the security of the Egineers on the surface during the mission." Socially he should have shown some positive emotion yet he did not feel so inclined. "I hoped to get some idea of what to expect from Engineering on this mission?"

Paisley took the time he was speaking to investigate. A Cardassian. She hoped she didn't appear to be staring. She had been raised on Cardassia Prime, sure, but she was just as much Bajoran. When he was finished, she spoke. "I wouldn't know, I am the Chief Operations Officer," she said. "BUT I would need to work with security to make sure than any and all incoming and outgoing personnel, intel, and data are secure," she said. "I can't risk the computer systems being corrupted." She said, plainly. "Can I get you some water or coffee?" she asked, remembering her manners. The tall, inky haired Carjoran smiled.

"That was a clerical error by my department." Sovon said. "The Engineering and OPS teams will be working on repair and such; thus the heading did not include the cohesive team. I do apologize. "Logically he should have caught such a simple error; it appeared an emotional oversight from a Bajoran. "Bajoran sweet tea 147 is a preferred beverage if it is no trouble from you and replicator thank you."

Paisley eyeballed the man. "It's ok," she said. "Engineering and Ops do usually work close together, after all. And I agree. The Jumja is good," she said. Her only memories of her mother involved the woman giving her some Jumja candies to settle her stomach once, when she'd had a virus.

His trepidation might be showing from his Bajoran upbringing, he rely upon his Vulcan physique and expressions to cover with only the earring giving away his past social upbringing.

"Security will be up to the task, emphasis in safety of personnel first of course with equal importance of all data and other concerns per mission parameters.

"Thank you," she said. "'re Bajoran and Vulcan?" She asked. Paisley was never one for tact. "What a combination," she said. "Were you treated as poorly as I was?" She asked.

"Not as Badly as one might think." Stormcloud answered. "I have logic to help my interactions. It was as to be expected but not singled out as much."

Paisley nodded. Too bad that hadn't been her experience. "Lucky you," she said. She nearly had taken offense to the "but I have logic to help" and then realized that he didn't mean it as a slight. She was a little touchy today-tired and hungry. Yes, it was still early, but she'd done an hour long workout just before and was starving. "I wasn't so lucky, as you might imagine," she said. "Anyway. I appreciate you stopping by. What are your security plans?" She asked, getting down to brass tacks. "Say, do you want a snack from the replicator?" She asked. She helped herself to a large pastry, biting into it with a savagery.

"There is a Shinga Root in the replicator with sweet sauce that is very close to genuine in taste." Sovon suggested. "Sweetened tea would also complement the taste also please."

She nodded, and ordered one each. A moment later, she passed the plate and glass to the man. "Here you go!" She said, cheerily, her mood instantly lifted by the carbohydrates. "Anyway, shoot," she said.

"Please feel free to partake if you like." Stormcloud suggested. "I am sure you are aware of the treat as well an I do not mind sharing. But a quick overview is to have a set of Security for each away team with a roving team of six Security Personnel for every three working teams in the field. Thus I hope to have the care we need but not to utilize them."

A Sly smirk.

"As humans say, 'best to have and not need than to need and not have the resources in place. Do you not agree? My variable is will Engineering teams be separate from Operations Department or cohesive support personnel of both in cohesive working teams?"

Paisley shook her head at the food. "No, thank you, but I appreciate the offer." she said. It was true."A roving team?" She asked. "Interesting. I must admit, I've never seen that before," she said. "And I've worked on my fair share of starships," she said. "As long as they stay out of the way, I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work," she said, around bites of the croissant. She wasn't rude or mannerless, she just cared little about other people's opinions of her. "What will you need from me?" She asked.

"To keep your teams in a managed manner and easily accounted for." Sovon said. "The key is not to give any possible troublemakers a 'Lone Caraboo' to attack or take hostage. Keeping your people where we can keep a trained eye is best. We will not interfere with your work but keep vigil over Them is the plan."

She nodded. "Well. I try to ensure that all of my people are well trained on phasers, at the very least," she said. "And rifles at the most," she said. "As am I," she shared. "I would appreciate an extra eye, though," she said. She hadn't ever served with a Security chief that promised that. Interesting. "Do you need anything extra from me to do that? I post my duty rosters weekly, on the public access channel on the PADD system," she said. "So that way, your people can know who is on duty, and who to account for," she said. She had relaxed a little now, understanding what this man wanted.

"I do thank you."Stormcloud agreed. "Mine is one; if done correctly, is unobtrusive with my protection of others so you will not be often bothered by me. Mine is a supportive role with the ship operations."

Paisley nodded. "I understand," she said. "It's just the first time I had encountered a security officer who was so thorough," she said. "I assume that's the Cardassian; reminds me of my father, Gul Yeicet F'rar," she said. "Everything ship-shape, all the time. Even me," she said, a tiny tinge of bitterness in her voice. She'd been three years old when her father had taken a high position in the Cardassian government, and thus had begun her life of being hauled around the known Universe. She was expected to look pretty and perfect and remain quiet at all times, never to bother him or ask to play.

"It is unfortunate that Parents tend to force their views and habits heavily upon their children." Stormcloud noted. "The more strict appear more harsh and the more mellow seem too whimsical as a spectrum of Humanoid behavior. I was at what might seem the opposing side, My 'Father was a Vedek and thus I had more exposure to the Prophets rather than the dominant Logical view point being raised." He paused for a second. "Both rearing style do give us a unique vantage upon the universe around us despite common stimuli do you not agree?"

Paisley nodded. "My mother had been a comfort woman," she said. "But very religious instead of logical," she said. "She died in childbirth with my brother," she said, "But I always wondered how differently I'd have turned out if she'd had a hand in raising me," she said. "I have almost no understanding of my Bajoran heritage, for obvious reasons," she said. "I'd like to think she would've tempered the strict, mean upbringing with some of that whimsy. Both have a place, but it should be a balance," she said. Instead, she'd gone on to rebel as a teenager, acting wildly, and recklessly at times. She'd, of course, mellowed out as she'd matured, but she still didn't LIKE her father.

"That would be a Logical hypothesis." Stormcloud replied. "Bajorans are family oriented and not nearly as weak, it is likely she would have stood up for you in all probability."

Paisley smiled. "I like the thought of that," she said. "Ok, is there anything else you need from me?" She asked.

"That is all the business that I have , thank you." Stormcloud bow slightly.

She nodded. "Don't be a stranger!!" she said. She watched as he stood up to leave. That was nice!


Lt Sovon Stormcloud
Chief Sec / Tac

Lt Paisley F'rar
Chief Operations Officer

* Shinga Root is a sweet potato the size o Cherry Tomatoes served with a sugar and thicker mix of sweet seasonings that is considered a treat to Bajoran children during occupation, easy to get and prep by the slaves of the Cardassian Rule.


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