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When In Roma

Posted on Wed Apr 3rd, 2024 @ 7:19pm by Lieutenant Halcyon Attixx & Lieutenant JG Octavia Zephyrin-Attixx

1,736 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 0: "A Time To Heal"
Location: Passenger Liner 'Aurora May'

Octavia Zephyrin-Attixx was out of her armor and it was almost like she was a peeled lobster, laying back on the sun deck of the Aurora May, basking under the artificial star shining above. The bikini hugged her curves pleasantly as she worked on the tan that usually ended up as a sunburn, but there had been much sunscreen rubbed on before she'd laid out on the towel on a lounge chair. She lowered her shades to look over at her husband next to her while not even thinking about her children who were off on their own. "Denarius for your thoughts?"

Halcyon Attixx was under an umbrella with a PADD in his hands and glanced over at the question, then looked out across the expanse of the deck. His eyes picked out his son pretty quickly, the neon green he had decided on his swimsuit easy to see as he played a match of beach volleyball, but the teenager wasn't paying much attention to that: His eyes were clearly flicking around at some of the teenage girls that were out there as well in swimsuits. "I think Alder's having the time of his life right now.. I know back on Roma Nueva he essentially has his pick of the ladies, with who his family is, but out here in the deep black? He's on his own really for the first time. What was that girl's name he went on his first date with?"

"Donia Berraz, the Oracle's daughter." An image of the redheaded teenage girl crossed her memory, that first date that her son had been so worried about and that kiss they'd messily shared at the end. "Not a good match for him, but he's young. Where's Lavina? I'm not seeing her."

His eyes swept the deck again and while it was hard to find the blonde child, he finally noticed her getting out of the pool and walking over to the diving board, "Diving board, she's still a fish of course." He referred to his daughters love of the water, "Getting some attention from the boys at her... Five o'clock." He had to calculate based on the old analog clocks, not really his forte.

Octavia's blue eyes went right to where he'd indicated, judging the teenagers there for what she thought their desires they and came up with the likely answer, the normals. She herself looked like she was barely an actual adult, the blessings of Roma Nueva keeping her looking young even though she was the same age as her gracefully aging husband, well, a year his junior. She continued to watch as her daughter stretched languidly on the board before diving off and back into the pool, “Her form needs a bit of work.” She remarked mildly.

“You’re never happy with her, have you noticed that?” Hal looked over at his wife until she met his eyes again, “You’re never that critical about Alder,”

“You know why.” Octavia gave a partial shrug before sliding the sunglasses back over her eyes, “I’m just quieter about Alder because he knows what he wants to do in life. In a year or so, we’ll send him back Home to apprentice under my father or Victor, he’ll get the proper training with the Legatus and serve his time and enter politics as he wants. It’s all been tentatively arranged.”

Halcyon grimaced. He may be a diplomat, but he never liked politics, I just felt dirty whenever he had to get involved in them. Of course, that would segue poorly to something he’d not mentioned about their new duty assignment. “I was talking to Minerva the other day, she’s really excited to be on the same ship as you and the kids. I think she’ll be a good role model for Lavina. Maybe if she spends some time with her in the medical field, she might get some interest.”

“I wouldn’t mind that, Hal, she certainly isn’t interested in serving in the military that I can tell. Medical would be a good service type, even if she became a scientist! Just something other than playing games or ‘social networking.’ I want more for our daughter than being a trophy wife.”

She won’t. That was what Hal wanted to say, but he didn’t have any evidence for it either, “Minerva was also telling me that her friend Shuren is the Exec on the Yorktown as well, and that Beatrix is going to be on board too, running the lounge and a restaurant.” He feigned non-chalance but readied himself for a nuke.

“Why? Why is SHE there?”’Octavia had come up onto one elbow and took the shades off entirely to glare at him, “And why is this the first I’ve heard about this? You, you didn’t tell me until we were halfway there because you knew I’d have not come!” She hissed at him, mindful of the other people that were around them.

“I didn’t know anything of the sort.” Hal gave a careful answer to the partial falsehood , “Honey, I know we’ve talked about this before, but you need to revisit your thoughts about her. Yes, I’m fully aware of Roman customs and especially the Zephyrins.” He cut off the objection she’d already started to make, “I was an attaché there, remember? That’s how we met? But you’ve been pissed T her for over half your life and it needs to stop. Think of Alder and Lavina? They’ve gone all this time without one of their aunts in their lives at all for no good reason.”

She glared at him, something she didn’t do often and it always sent chills down his spine, but that was part of their dynamics and he knew why it chilled him, despite that she want actually looking at him like he was a piece of garbage. “Hal, now isn’t the time for this conversation, but as you always say, ‘There’s always time for words before the guns are drawn.” She sighed heavily, “Fine. Beatrix is in it for herself, with what she does, not for the general good. Minerva is in Starfleet, she serves the general good. I’m in the military, for the general good. Victor is getting into politics and is a reservist, for the general good. Father is a Senatorus, mother is. Medicus, for the General Good of the Public.” Her voice was frustrated, “Beatrix is a performance artist out touring the galaxy! On Roma Nueva, artists like her also have a secondary thing, whether as outreach coordinators, reservists, crisis responders, any of a dozen other things and Beatrix isn’t any of those! She tours the galaxy, singing and dancing and doing interviews, seeking fame and fortune!”

He had to bite his tongue because the comments he wanted to make would only fan the flames further. The hour long talk he’d had with Minerva had included a plea from the doctor to try to talk some sense into Octavia, even though in that same breathe she’d admitted that it may not do much if any good. But after fifteen years of being married, Halcyon didn’t fear for his safety or even their marriage even if it turned into a knockdown dragout fight. They’d had time apart, occasionally several months at a time, but their bond was strong and they knew they loved each other, even when conversations went to tough subjects. “Tavi.” It was a nickname from her childhood that he used only when he knew she needed to calm down, “Beatrix is family. I didn’t get to know my older brother because he fell out with the family when I was three, he cut all of us off and got himself killed doing something really stupid. You’re always telling me how family is important, especially your family. I know your mother talks to Beatrix, your brother does too, in fact, we are the only ones that don’t and Lavi in particular has been trying to pass messages through your mother to her. I know that those messages aren’t getting through, because your mother respects your opinions and position. The choice right now, that we have a week or so to make, is how you want to introduce them, not if. And yes, I delayed this as long as I could for this reason, so you couldn’t back out. Dirty pool, I know, but everyone thought it was a good idea.”

Octavia groaned as she realized the implications and gave one more look out to where her children were, “Good ambush, Hal, I didn’t see it coming.” She put the shades back and and laid back down, “I’m not going to commit to anything right now, but I’ll THINK about it Hal.” She sighed, “I don’t like her. I love her because she’s my sister, but she’s a bad influence because of who she is.”

“What about if you talk to Minerva when we get there? I can get the kids settled into our quarters, just hear her out, that’s mostly what she wanted me to pass on. I think she’s a bit scared of your temper, my dear, but I’m not.” He gave her a smile.

“I can do that.” Octavia allowed, “I’ll listen to what she wants to say, then I’ll ignore it. You know.”

“Yes, I know. And you know you’re a stubborn git.” Hal chuckled, shaking his head.

“Not something you want to say to one of your superior officers, sweetums..” Octavia teased, “You still have another six years in the reserves before you’re free from your responsibilities. Thems the rules about becoming a Roman citizen, 20 years service and you’ve done a good job so far. Now.. Let’s just sit back and relax.” She. Replied, rolling over to start cooking on the opposite side.

“Tell you what, lemme get some sunscreen on your back or else you’ll be touchy the rest of the day.” Hal acknowledged that the argument was over, for now. Time to make peace.

‘Mission Post’ by

Lieutenant Halcyon Attixx
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Yorktown


Centurion Octavia Zephyrin-Attixx
Roma Nueva Special Forces
USS Yorktown


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