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One Time At A Bar - Part III

Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2024 @ 11:11pm by Lieutenant Commander Sakaan & Beatrix Zephyrin

1,283 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 0: "A Time To Heal"
Location: Midnight Oasis Bar and Grill


'Even with extensive testing of intellect and personality, it is difficult to synthesise an appropriate team with which to conduct Intelligence work,' Sakaan conceded. 'I have been fortunate not to have experienced too much of that in my Starfleet career. Your sister is our Chief Medical Officer? Was there a particular waiver required to have siblings serving aboard the same ship?'

[And now the conclusion ...]

"Given that I'm not in Starfleet and that I'm not even strictly a Federation citizen aside from that given to Protectorate systems, there was no waiver involved." Trixie waved that concern away, "I'm also only a civilian, but even if my other sister Octavia were to come aboard, I don't think there would have to be any sort of waiver. Octavia is part of the Roma Nuevan military, so not a part of Starfleet either."

'I would think the point I'm emphasising is not whether or not you're serving, or even a Federation citizen, but the disproportionate impact on your family should the Yorktown not return from her missions,' Sakaan stated matter-of-factedly, thought beneath the surface irritated at the linguistic hair-splitting. 'She is designed for hazardous missions, and the risk factor is more than negligible.'

"Oh, I know that and I'm sure Minerva knows it too." Beatrix smiled beatifically, "But risk is a part of Roma Nuevan life. We got steamrollered by the Dominion during that war, at least our Home Defense Fleet did, but that was before my time. We have deployed ships and army units in support of the Federation on many occasions and not everyone returned him from those deployments as well. If Yorktown doesn't return and both of us die? Our parents will understand and mourn Minerva, but I'm a bit of an anathema to most of my family, because I chose the path I'm on rather than one where I'm of service to the people of Roma Nueva or the Federation. I come from a Patrician family, rather high ranking on the planet because of our contributions from the original colony ship and what family members did on the journey over. One of the traditions of the family has been military or civil service."

A wave of weariness crashed over Sakaan as she heard Trixie referred to the War as before her time. She supposed it had been a generation since the last major war. She pushed the thought of being old to the back of her mind for now. 'Being the family reject is something we have in common,' Sakaan replied flatly and without emotion. 'Although it is distressing at first not to have your family's approval, I have found it to be quite ... freeing.'

"I don't have to live up to their expectations anymore." Beatrix agreed, "Of course, Mother never held it against me, neither did Minerva, it was more Octavia and Victor and don't even get me started on Father." She shook her head ever so slowly, "He took it the hardest of all. He wanted me to take over his seat in the Senate, but now with Victor, he's got his replacement that he can whisper into the ear of. I just wish they could see what I've done for how many people... Maybe they'd see things a different way, but that's up to them, not to me."

'You can't anticipate the fallout of the choices you make. All you can be is true to yourself,' Sakaan agreed. 'Sometimes family members can react in ... surprising ways.' She thought of her brother and his long journey far afield. 'Others ... they react the way you would have expected, even if you illogically hoped for the opposite.' She cocked her head as she met Trixie's eyes, 'perhaps it is as you say, they will eventually see it another way. Perhaps that hope is more logically placed in shorter-lived, more emotional species than Vulcans.'

Sakaan drained her whisky and indicated another should be brought. 'Your brother is in military service as well?'

"Yes... And no..." Trixie gave a meaningful wobble of her hand, "Technically, yes, because military training and the like are required for the Senate, but it's more of a Home Guard type commission rather than true combat training. Victor is a Legatus, technically a mid-ranking officer who acts as an aide to a General or other high ranking officer. I can't remember offhand what unit he's been assigned to, but Minerva would know." Beatrix took a moment to take a drink of her water, "In a couple years, he'll join the Senate as an aide to Father and eventually take the Zephyrin Seat there when Father retires. It's not the normal path for a single child, but one Zephyrin bucked tradition, why not let the family do it again to rectify that error?"

'Fascinating. I've done some reading on Ancient Rome in during my life. Your society has recreated facets of it extremely closely,' Sakaan nodded her thanks as another whisky was brought to her. 'I would be gratified to learn more about it as the Yorktown goes about her missions.'

"I would be more than happy to discuss Home with you as much as you'd like, although if Octavia were here, she's far more a subject expert than I am." Beatrix chuckled, "It's not perfect, but no societal or political structure is and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. But in a nutshell, the original colonists used Ancient Rome as the basis for what they wanted, then adapted it to 'modern times' as they called it, took a sleeper ship to an unknown but possibly habitable world and set up shop where they could be by themselves. Then the galaxy grew up and found them again."

'As I'm no expert on your people myself I am more than happy to have a layman's discussion with you at a time when I'm not detaining you from work,' Sakaan indicated the piano, 'you play ... beautifully.'

"Thank you, I've had a fair bit of practice if I'm being honest, been playing for the better part of thirty years. That along with several types of guitar, violin, trumpet, harp and flute, though I'm not all that great at the last two yet, I'm a one woman band." Beatrix sighed, "I really do wish I could have convinced my backup group to have come along, but none of them had any other real skills aside from music and on board a starship, everyone needs to pull their own weight other than just this, I think."

'That depends on how you look at things - I'd prefer a specialist look after our warp drive rather than a jack-of-all-trades,' Sakaan said. 'I feel the same way about musicians - a good folk artist is worth their weight in gold to the venues I like. Besides, it's not like the Federation, or Starfleet has a want for resources. Perhaps before we leave Federation space you can bring the rest of your band aboard.'

Trixie gave a soft smile that was truly what was within her and it was apparent, "I know, but they would have gotten bored if they were here. There's something about planets that give someone more stimulus than being on a starship, even with holodecks about. Besides, I have this feeling that people will soon be hearing more about Yanni Velarde sooner rather than later, he truly has the talent to become a star on his own. I really hope that the group stays together with him so he can be his best."

Sakaan raised her glass, 'to their success.'


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