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The Very First Exam - Part III

Posted on Sun Mar 31st, 2024 @ 3:44am by Lieutenant Minerva Zephyrin & Lieutenant Commander Sakaan

840 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 0: "A Time To Heal"
Location: Medical Centre, Deck 16, USS Yorktown


'Very well,' Sakaan said, 'I look forward to seeing what you conclude. But I must emphasise. No cosmetic alterations.' She looked Minerva firmly in the eyes to drive home the point. 'The scars have long since healed, and it is unnecessary to alter them.'

[The Conclusion ...]

"No cosmetic alterations." Minerva agreed, "None of the scars inhibit your functionality in any case and I know others who use them as object lessons. Did we want to schedule a follow-up for a couple days from now so I can present a potential plan of action for you? I could come to you instead of you coming here, if you'd prefer."

'We can meet where convenient for you,' Sakaan replied. 'I doubt the Intelligence suite is quite suitable for non-Intelligence personnel,' she continued, knowing full well Minerva was probably referring to what humans termed a 'house call'. Sakaan was jealous of her personal space and privacy, and was loathe to allow her entry to her quarters. 'But please, feel free to schedule a follow-up. The quicker we get it done, the quicker I return to full optimization for my duties.'

"Then let's meet back here in two days for that follow-up and block out a few hours in three days for what I suspect will be a surgery on your ankle, plus another in five days for the wrist. Those two are what I deem to be the worst of what's going wrong, the healed bones we can handle with more of a sense of leisure, but most likely I'm going to go ahead and remove the adverse calcifications and knit them properly so that you'd never know they were broken." Minerva gave her most confident smile, because she knew what she could do and was already doing the bone repairs inside her head.

Despite herself, Sakaan found herself responding to the beaming smile Minerva broadcast. 'Very well, Doctor. In two days you may perform your surgeries.' She felt a moment of hesitation, then felt compelled to ask, 'you anticipate a favourable outcome with minimal complications?'

"I can't promise anything, but any doctor who does is just a quack." Minerva felt that a bit of humour was called for here, "But yes, barring something as yet unforeseen, I'll be able to make repairs on everything without issue. I hope you don't mind, but I do use technology as a backup and to promote healing. When it comes to medicine, I'm very hands on as you can tell. I plan to physically access the affected area and make the repairs, then use the regeneration tech to heal the surgical area. If I can't fix the damage physically to the extent that I believe I can, I will use the technology at hand to make the repairs. You have nothing to fear on that note."

'Using the best tools available to you is sensible,' Sakaan replied as she twitched an eyebrow. 'I would expect nothing less from a doctor of Starfleet calibre.' She paused then nodded, 'I have no doubt you will be able to have me ready for duty before the Yorktown's mission truly gets under way.'

"Without a doubt, ma'am." Minerva's smile was just as bright as it was before, "In that case, I will see you in two days."

'Two days it is,' Sakaan replied. 'Is there anything else you wish to check now? Blood samples and the like?'

"Those won't be needed." Minerva gave a half-shrug, "Besides, I'll have any blood samples I may want in a couple days. The scans didn't show anything I should be worried about and you won't get an infection under my watch, I'll promise you that."

'I have no fear of that, Minerva. I was merely enquiring as to whether you required more from me now the scans have been done,' Sakaan attempted to put her physician at ease. 'Though I am grateful it seems that the extent of my issues only relate to my bone structure and not much else.'

"And we're going to take care of that." The Doctor smiled as she gestured towards the door and started to walk the Vulcan towards it, "Get some rest and we'll see you soon."

'Very well, Minerva,' Sakaan got to her feet. Stretching slightly, some of her joints popped. As she headed for the door, she stopped, and turned to face the Medical Officer. 'The ship is still mostly empty. Should you need company in your off-duty hours for social interaction, I would not be opposed. Consider yourself free to contact me.'

"I think I will." Minerva gave a wry smile, "One can never have too many friends to spend time with, at least until you run out of time!"

'An astute observation, Minerva,' Sakaan replied with a slight bow. 'Please, do not let me detain you further.'

Minerva gestured towards the door, "We'll be in touch later, ma'am, have a great day!"


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