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Awkward Examinations (Part 1)

Posted on Fri Aug 23rd, 2024 @ 1:00am by Lieutenant Naoe Kanno & Lieutenant Minerva Zephyrin

1,111 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 0: "A Time To Heal"
Timeline: Sometime before 'The Yellow Rider Rides Again?!'

Lieutenant Naoe Kanno had only just arrived on board the Yorktown. After ensuring the safe loading of her full-size mechanic model, Naoe's next order of business was to make her way down to sickbay to report in for her medical examination. Naoe had had her fair share of doctors chasing her down, so before any Yellow Rider content was filmed, Naoe wanted to get her onboarding physical out of the way.

Minerva looked up from her book, a by-God paper book that had the words 'War and Peace' in large letters on the front, as the doors to sickbay slid open again. She'd had many people coming in and out, apparently having heard of her reputation for hunting people down for physical exams, willingly getting their exams with some squawking about her style. Now walked in someone that was the size of a child and the Roman gave a broad smile as her eyes roved over the newcomer, "Good afternoon, Lieutenant! How may I help you today?"

"I'm here for my medical exam." Naoe responded concisely. Though she was sure that the doctor's smile had some sort of relation to her height, it would do her no good to let it get under her skin and cause her to pick fights unnecessarily.

"Excellent!" Minerva stood from behind the duty desk and all but towered over the woman by over a foot. She gestured towards the examination room that already had the windows opaqued for privacy, "If you don't mind stepping into this room, I do prefer to truly use the term 'physical examination' for it, because I don't use technology as a crutch. Certainly I'll use tricorders and scans to supplement my examination, but I'm very hands on."

Naoe rolled her eyes when the doctor mentioned not using technology as a crutch as she was herded into the examination room.

Great. So, she was dealing with one of those kinds of doctors: The ones who did things the 'old fashioned way,' despite living in a time when simple scans were more accurate than ever before.

Perhaps the only saving grace for Naoe's predicament came when she snuck a peak at a PADD on the duty desk, and noticed a familiar video that the doctor had carelessly left playing: While the audio was either turned way down or muted completely, Naoe immediately recognized the footage as that which her trusty camera had captured while mounted on her forehead. Now, if the doctor attempted to strike up a conversation whilst violating her, Naoe would at least have a talking point.

"Fine, just say what you need me to take off..." Naoe muttered, clearly not pleased at this development and now wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible.

"Down to your skivvies, please, and onto the biobed edge, that includes the shoes and socks please." Minerva mentioned as she withdrew the stethoscope from the bag on the counter, "I have found that I can see many problems visually and during an actual physical examination than just through a scan, though I will also make a thorough scan at the end of the exam." The entire time, she had a smile on.

Rolling her eyes, Naoe began to strip off her uniform without responding to the doctor's comment. With the doctor remaining smiling as Naoe did so, she suspected that this was the kind of thing the other woman was into. Not that there was a problem with it, but it wasn't a direction that Naoe swung.

Once Naoe was down to her skivvies, her underwear preferences were on full display to the doctor: While her panties were the proper size she should be wearing, Naoe's bra was a size too big for her. She understood that the purpose of the bra was to support the breasts, but she often found that bras in her proper size were quite constraining, and as such, Naoe gravitated towards the lesser support offered by a slightly larger bra. If Naoe's breasts were larger than they were, she probably would have wanted something more form-fitting, but as larger breasts were evidently not something she was blessed with, Naoe felt like she could get away with wearing a larger bra.

And it was something that Minerva completely ignored, underwear fashion, only looking over things as she did an initial visual check before she rubbed her hands together to warm them while she changed her routine up a bit. She began with a gentle massage of the jaw area, clearly having sensitive fingertips to feel out anything that may be off about the bone structure and musculature, working down one arm, rotating the shoulder, elbow and then wrist ever so gently before moving on to the fingers, repeating the procedure with the other side, "Do you have any complaints about your health? Feeling tip top, no pain that comes and goes, or anything of that sort?"

"Nope," Naoe responded. "And for the record, no major underlying health defects contribute to my shortness: It's just that my body chose to call it quits with growing at four foot eight."

"I actually wasn't going to ask that question." Minerva remarked as she used the back of her hands around Naoe's chest to be appropriate as a doctor, feeling for the ribs to make sure that there were no abnormalities, then started an equally thorough feel-through of the legs and joints thereof, "Height is really a relative thing in general. And just for the record, I may look like I'm an eighteen-year old fresh out of high school, but that's only because of a mutation on my home world that affects everyone conceived there. I'm actually thirty-six years old."

"I wouldn't have thought to ask for your ID." Naoe shrugged.

So far, things seemed to be going well: The doctor had yet to ask about the bandage on her left cheek; something which usually happened during medical exams...

"Not feeling anything abnormal, which is good." Minerva pulled the stethoscope from around her neck and breathed on it to warm it up a fair bit, then began to press it to Naoe's back, "Just breathe in and out normally." Several breaths later, she switched to the front over the heart and listened intently for several more seconds, "Lungs and heart sound fine, though there's a sound from the heart that's just on the very edge of my hearing. You can go ahead and get dressed while I make my other scans, if you'd like."

Nodding, Naoe proceeded to pull her uniform back on, grateful that the humiliation was finally over.

To be continued...


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