
Created by Commander Fan Shuren on Mon Feb 26th, 2024 @ 3:41pm

2384 and Earlier: All existing Star Trek canon, up to and including the events depicted in Star Trek: Lower Decks and Star Trek: Prodigy.

March 2385: Starfleet Intelligence decodes a transmission which reveals the existence of a plot by the Zhat Vash (a highly secretive anti-Artificial Intelligence cell within the Romulan Tal Shiar) to sabotage the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. The evidence implicates several high level Starfleet Officers, many of whom are confirmed as being Zhat Vash or otherwise Tal Shiar. Commodore Oh of Starfleet Security, is revealed to be General Nedar of the Zhat Vash, leader of the conspiracy. Oh and her co-conspirators are arrested. The computer virus which would be used to corrupt the artificial workforce at Utopia Planitia is seized. With no attack to destabilize the Federation, Starfleet is able to devote further scientific and technical resources to the problems befalling the Romulan star of Hobus. By the end of 2385, the Hobus crisis is averted.

October 2385: A heavily damaged Borg Cube is found adrift in Romulan space. The Romulan Star Empire sets up a research outpost on it. Though tensions with the Federation remain high, the Romulans invite a Federation science team to assist in researching the vessel, dubbed “The Artifact”, and in rehabilitating former drones. This will be the only major Federation/Romulan collaborative effort for many decades.

September 2389: After years of studying recent attacks against Starfleet by artificial intelligences, including the 2381 attack by automated Texas-class starships, the 2384 attack by the Living Construct which caused Starfleet vessels to fire on each other, and the unused virus that would have corrupted the Utopia Planitia workforce, experts at the Daystrom Institute, led by Bruce Maddox and Agnes Jurati, unlock additional secrets in artificial sentience. They create for the first time stable pre-sentient algorithms capable of defending Starfleet computer systems from external threats. The risk of Starfleet vessels becoming corrupted by an artificial intelligence is greatly reduced, and the risk of that corruption spreading across the fleet becomes effectively zero.

December 2389: A Klingon insurgent faction calling itself the Sovereign Klingon State (SKS) begins seizing territory for itself. Within three months it has de facto control over four Federation and six Klingon star systems. Attempts to retake the conquered planets are repelled.

March 2391: Operation: Gatecrasher: Joint fleets of Starfleet and Klingon Defense Force starships, the largest gathering of them since the Dominion War, simultaneously strike half the worlds occupied by the SKS. Additional fleets strike the other half five days later, catching leaving insurgent ships with no safe territory to which they can retreat. The allied fleets take heavy losses; among those ships destroyed includes the Sovereign-class USS Enterprise-E. While SKS-led terrorist attacks will continue for the next few years, their threat has largely been eliminated.

June 2394: The Annexari Socialist Republic introduces extreme austerity measures to address its national debt, all the while engaging in large scale construction programs in support of the leadership’s growing cult of personality. The Annexari Secret Police engage in widespread police and executions to maintain order.

February 2396: After years of development and testing at Utopia Planitia, the Odyssey-class starship finally launches. The Odyssey-class USS Enterprise-F launches later that year under the command of Captain Va’Kel Shon.

April 2399: The Excelsior II-Class Intel Heavy Cruiser makes its public debut at the annual Utopia Aerospace Exhibition. Command of the prototype, NX-42037, is delegated to Captain Benbassat, with Commander Hatsumi Sulu, great-granddaughter of Hikaru Sulu, as First Officer.

August 2399: The Zhat Vash attempt to attack the Federation colony on Coppelius, fearing the artificial lifeforms who live there. Their attack is repelled by the Starfleet vessel USS Zheng He. The Romulan Star Empire formally severs ties with the Zhat Vash and orders the Tal Shiar to purge itself of Zhat Vash influence. Before the year is out, the Romulan government, in an unprecedented act of transparency, provides proof to the interstellar community that the Zhat Vash have been eliminated.

January 2400: After ten years of development at Manhattan Fleet Yards, the Bellerophon class starship is launched. Among the initial production batch is the USS Missouri NCC-78316. The Missouri’s sister ship, the USS Voyager NCC-74656-B, is commissioned a year later in March of 2401 in time for Frontier Day.

April 2401: The Quarter-Millennial Frontier Day celebration is a massive success. Fleet Admiral Elizabeth Shelby temporarily takes command and conducts a tour of Federation space aboard the five-year-old USS Enterprise-F, showcasing in particular Starfleet’s newest Fleet Formation automation protocols.

January 2402: After four years of development at the San Francisco Fleet Yards, the Constitution III class starship is launched. The USS Titan-A is among the initial production batch, its construction accelerated by the use of major components from its Luna-class predecessor.

April 2402: On the Annexari colony of Timmisorra, the Annexari leader orders the killing of a group of farmers who are peacefully protesting unethical working conditions. As a result of this horror, anti-government riots break out on dozens of colony worlds, leading to a civil war between peasant-led revolutionaries and the ruling regime. Millions die in the conflict, many of whom under increasingly disreputable tactics by senior state leadership.

April 2403: An injured Borg Queen, having barely survived the attack by Future Admiral Janeway’s neurolytic pathogen, attacks the 252nd Frontier Day celebration. With the assistance of Dominion Nationalists infiltrating Starfleet, she activates a genetic control program which permits her to control anyone under the age of 25 that has passed through a Transporter in the previous year. She attempts to use Fleet Formation override controls to propagate her control across all of Starfleet, though breakthroughs in computer defenses 14 years earlier keep Starfleet secure and permit the crews of USS Titan-A, USS Voyager-B, USS Enterprise-F, and the former, mostly retired senior officers of USS Enterprise-D to take back the fleet, eliminate the Borg Queen, and identify the hidden Changeling terrorists among them. The threat of the Borg and the Dominion have both been eliminated.

May 2403: The leaders of the Annexari military, weary of increasingly unethical orders, defect to the peasant revolutionary force. Annexari Leader Vasilar Moldoviţ and his family are arrested, found guilty of crimes against sentience, and executed. A provisional government is established, led by the civilian revolutionary authorities and supported by much of military. Recognizing the dire state they are in, the new Provisional State of Greater Annexar seeks support from the Federation, including relief aid, reconstruction assistance, and potentially even membership.

June 2403: The Constitution III class USS Yorktown NCC-91781 launches from Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. It is set to travel to Annexari space to provide assistance to the people in need.