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Sun Feb 9th, 2025 @ 5:53am

Lieutenant Fran

Name Fran

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Asobi
Age 223

Physical Appearance

Height 4'7"
Weight 70lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Sapphire
Physical Description Fran is an Asobi, so she looks more or less fully Human apart from two features. She has an extra set of ears on her head like a Earth Cat, and a long tail form the rear of her pelvis that is covered in short fur. Her species is known to be short and slim and she had bright sapphire eyes. Her hair is black in colour this includes the fur on her tail.


Children Chia - F - Born 2271
Ia & Lia - F - Born 2306
Ayia - F - Born 2320
Rachi - F - & Thomo - M - Born 2334
Kita - F - Born 2362
Yuu - F - 2376
Chiy - F - 2390

Father Seiko
Mother Maylin
Brother(s) Technically, far too many to list.
Sister(s) Technically, far too many to list.

Personality & Traits

Personal History Fran's Personal History

Fran was born aboard the Asobi Ship Kamino in the year 2180. She grew up around the ship which was half assimilated by the Borg. (See Asobi History below). She was born to a troubled lost people who were running away from The Borg, and were looking for a new home.

The situation aboard the Kamino was desperate as they realised that the ship had a long journey ahead and they will be needing more replacement crew sooner than later.

Therefore a new rule was created. That all females capable of bearing children should do so for replacement crew, but only those over thirteen cycles. Therefore when Fran was thirteen cycles (91 Years), she was mated with one of the surviving males. This was unusual for the Asobi, as they do not consider their species an 'adult' until they reach Eighteen Cycles, (126 Earth Years).

Fran had her first child, in 2271. She gave birth to a single female, whom she named Chia. It was also at this time that she began to take interest in Engineering, and was good friends with another Asobi who wanted to be an Engineer. Her name was Chaika, and she was a leading influence for Fran.

It didn't take Chaika long to accept Fran into the Engineering room, and even though she was younger she took her in and trained her. In her 18th cycle, (126 Earth Years), Fran mated again as requested by the ships Captain. This time she mated with the same Male that Chaika had previously mated with, and was impregnated with a double/twin pregnancy.

Although by now she was a very competant Engineer, she felt it was her duty to help re-populate her species as well. She gave birth to Ia and Lia in 2306, twin females. Since Asobi children are raised in a community and not in a conventional family environment, it allowed Fran to continue with her Engineering Studies.

She mated a total of three more times, birthing four more children by the time the Kamino made first contact with the Federation in 2368. By now she was a hard working Engineer and had also helped with the re-population of the ships crew. Many of her children were now also well into their own studies as well.

In 2368, the Kamino made first contact with the United Federation of Planets. They came across the USS Akagi who escorted them into Federation space. They were granted assylum by the Federation and assisted by Starfleet. Several months later the Asobi were settled on a new planet and the Kamino was dismantled. The Asobi used a mixture of their own and Borg technology to build their own colony.

Chaika at this time left the Asobi to repay Starfleet and help them with their Starship Engineering. Meanwhile Fran stayed on the new colony and took over Chaika's old role, becoming the Chief Engineer of the colony. There she stayed, and in that time bore two more children.

After many years working on the colony, she felt in a simlilar position to venture to the stars again. She missed been out in space. So in 2390, she applied for Starfleet. She had done her duty as an Asobi, and now wanted to experience other cultures and see if there was any good left in the universe. She applied for Starfleet Academy, and due to her experience as an Engineer, she only needed basic training. She was given the rank of Ensign and assigned aboard the USS Illustrious as an Engineering Specialist.

After five years on the Illustrious, (not even one cycle for Fran!) she was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Usually an Asobi would spend much much longer earning a promotion, but she put it down to the fact that Humans have shorter life spans than Asobi.

She stayed aboard the Illustrious for another three years, and in 2397 was transferred to the Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards to assist on a new project. Fran would be helping design and build the Constitution III Class Starships. By 2400, the first of the class was due to launch and it proved successful. She then helped construct several more, including the new USS Titan.

In 2403, she helped construct and build the USS Yorktown. She was requested by Starfleet Command to become the ships new Chief Engineer, which she accepted as the Yorktown was a slightly different variant of the Constitution III Class and Fran would be needed to help with the final adjustments. She was given the rank of full lieutenant for this.

Asobi History

The Asobi orignate from the very edge of the Beta Quadrant on the border line of the Delta Quadrant. Their home planet was known as "Asobi" the same as their species name. Unlike most M Class Worlds, Asobi was on a much slower orbit. It takes roughly seven Earth years for the planet to make one rotation of the star.

The Asobi achieved warp drive in the Earth Year of 2010 and began to explore the universe. However they attracted the unfortunate attention of the Borg Collective in 2150. The Asobi did their best to fight off the Borg collective, however were unsuccessful. The Borg managed to overwhelm the Asobi and assimilated all of their colonies and finally their home planet.

However, a few ships manage to escape the collective and began to head off into deep space. One of these ships was unfortunately caught by a Borg probe and boarded, this ship was called 'Kamino'. The Borg began to assimilate the vessel, however were eventually driven off by the crew. Once the Borg were driven off the ship the Kamino was successful at destroying the probe. However from a crew and refugee's of nearly three hundred, only sixty were saved from assimilation.

The Kamino Continued its journey in search of a new home. The other refugee ships were not as successful and were all assimilated and the sixty Asobi were now the only ones left in the known universe. With the Borg Modifications to the ship, the Kamino was able to avoid the collective and finally made it to Federation Space in 2368. The United Federation of Planets granted the Asobi assylum and allowed them to settle on a M Class world under their protection.

Asobi Biological Overview

Asobi live roughly seven times longer than the average Humans. They have a rough lifespan of seven hundred years. They have two sets of ears, a pair on either side of their head like most Humanoids, but also two more on top of their head covered in fur. This allows Asobi to hear sounds that other species can't hear and at difference frequencies. The Asobi also have very good sight and can see in almost any light level, including very low level light levels.

The Asobi also have a long tail which is exceptionally strong. They can hang by their tail and mainly use it for balance. The Asobi evolved from a Feline style species that eventually evolved to walk upright, they then lost their fur however retained their tail and ears. This is similar to how Humans were theorised to have evolved from primeapes.

Their reflexes are very quick. Asobi are known to be fast and nimble and excellent climbers and runners. However the only downside is that they get tired easily and sometimes have to take power-naps to regain energy.

Most of their internal organs are in the same place as a Human, however they have two hearts organised vertically in their chest. They also have a much smaller stomach capacity than a Human. Their body digests food slower.

One aspect of their biology that makes the Asobi unique is their reproduction organs. Much like a Human females have a womb and ovaries. However an Asobi female has four ovaries instead of two. They give birth to live young, and a typical Asobi pregnancy has anywhere from one to four offspring per pregnancy depending on how many eggs are released. It should be noted that males only contribute 1% of the DNA to the offspring, and 99% is contribute by the female. This allows Asobi females the ability to mate and reproduce with practically any species easily. They do also not suffer any consequences from any inbreeding. The Asobi ratio between males to females is one to thirty. A standard Asobi pregnancy lasts fifteen Earth Months.

Family Structure

Since the Asobi have more females to males, it is not uncommon for an Asobi male to have many different mates. Instead of a traditional 'family' like Humans and other species, most females are single mothers with one or more mate. This was made difficult after the Borg assimilated most of their population as only five males survived.

An Asobi female is considered an adult after 18 Asobi Cycles or 126 Earth Years. They are also expected to bear young at an early age. Most Asobi mate between their 18th and 20th cycle.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Basic Engineering Training
USS Illustrious - Engineering Specialist - Ensign
USS Illustrious - Engineering Specialist - Lieutenant JG
Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards - Shipyard Design & Construction Engineer - Lieutenant JG
USS Yorktown - Chief Engineer - Lieutenant