Ensign Emmalyn Marcus

Name Emmalyn Marcus

Position Operations Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Hologram
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5,6
Weight n/a
Hair Color blonde
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Bright blue eyes, Shiny blonde hair, attractive


Father Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview A hard dedicated Starfleet officer, Intelligent and highly motavited
Strengths & Weaknesses Her weakness is the fact that she's a hologram that can only remain in a physical form so long as her portable emitter is charged. She longs to do normal human things but is unable
Ambitions She wants to find her creator, Her programming was left unfinished. Causing her to desire for its completion
Hobbies & Interests Learning about human customs

Personal History She was born as a holodeck program of wild west set in 1860s texas. At some point the program was scrapped and erased except for her. She had gained sentience and was able to find a way to copy her coding into the ships database before the programs deletion.

She was able to hack the replicators to create a wearable holo emitter. Allowing her to appear as a human and go anywhere so long as she wears it.

Upon creating the emitter she uploaded the starfleet database into her code giving her the necessary knowledge to function.